Recent Publications in Music

400 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Ford R.  2019.  A blues bibliography. . :1volume;.
Ford R.  2019.  A blues bibliography. . :1onlineresource..
Fenlon I, Wistreich R.  2019.  The Cambridge history of sixteenth-century music . :xxi,520pages;.
Finnerty A.  2019.  CfE higher music . :96pages:.
Floyd JMichael, Sharp AT.  2019.  Choral music : a research and information guide /. :xv,456pages;.
Sharp AT, Floyd JMichael.  2019.  Choral music : a research and information guide /. :1onlineresource..
Fay B.  2019.  Classical music in Weimar Germany : culture and politics before the Third Reich /. :1onlineresource(216pages)..
Fay B.  2019.  Classical music in Weimar Germany : culture and politics before the Third Reich /. :1onlineresource:.
Frid E.  2019.  Diverse Sounds : Enabling Inclusive Sonic Interaction.
Fairclough P.  2019.  Dmitry Shostakovich . :1volume:.
Zilli A, Fagerström E.  2019.  Drottning Kristinas sångerskor : en omvälvande kraft i Roms musikliv 1655-1689.
Federico G.  2019.  El niño con necesidades especiales. Neurología y musicoterapia. :144.
Battier M, Fields K.  2019.  Electroacoustic music in East Asia . :1volume;.
Ramaut-Chevassus B, Fargeton P.  2019.  Écoute multiple, écoute des multiples . :1vol.(355p.):.
Schwander L, Flack M, Munk H.  2019.  The Fall (and my camera). :Ca.60sider:.
Föllmi BA, Aragione G..  2019.  Femmes de savoir et savoirs des femmes : Littérature et musique religieuses entre l'Antiquité tardive et le Moyen Âge /. :198p.:.
Forde E.  2019.  The final days of EMI : selling the pig /. :xiv,366pages;.
Fjord JViggo.  2019.  Flamenco : dans, musik og passion. :396sider:.
Ferić M.  2019.  Glazbena društva i glazbenici u Brodu na Savi i Slavonskom Brodu : 1871. - 1971.
Coleman C, Hogg K.  2019.  A Handbook for Studies in 18th century English Music XXIII . :95pages:.
Frankel E.  2019.  Hearing the cloud : can music help reimagine the future? / :1volume;.
Goldsmith MUrsula Daw, Fonseca AJ.  2019.  Hip hop around the world : an encyclopedia /. :1onlineresource(xliii,894pages):.
Cloonan M, Frith S, Brennan M, Webster E.  2019.  The history of live music in Britain : from Hyde Park to the Hacienda.. :1onlineresource..
Fifield C.  2019.  Ibbs and Tillett : the rise and fall of a musical empire /. :1volume.
Mishra J, Fast B.  2019.  IPractice : technology in the 21st century music practice room /. :x,131pages:.
