Recent Publications in Music

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Bullock DW.  2017.  David Bowie made me gay : 100 years of LGBT music /. :1onlineresource(358pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates):.
Burchell-Haslett M.  2017.  Druids, Storytelling, and the National Eisteddfod : Music's Relationship to Three Forms of Bardic Identity /. :56pages:.
Midžić S, Bezić N.  2017.  Družina mladih : čudesna teatarska igra. :319.
Baranyi A, Büky V, Dózsa K, Gombos L.  2017.  Egy különleges életút tanúi : Bartókné Pásztory Ditta hagyatéka a Zenetörténeti Múzeumban. :195.
Baranyi A, Büky V, Dózsa K, Gombos L.  2017.  Egy különleges életút tanúi : Bartókné Pásztory Ditta hagyatéka a Zenetörténeti Múzeumban. :195.
Brückner H.  2017.  Egyenes úton : Bárdos Lajos élete. :363.
Badura-Skoda E.  2017.  The eighteenth-century fortepiano grand and its patrons from Scarlatti to Beethoven . :1onlineresource.
Berlanga-Fernández M-Á.  2017.  El flamenco, un arte musical y de la danza. Vol. I: precedentes históricos y culturales.. :188p..
Bueno-López A-M, Galindo-Pozo M, León-Rodríguez Á-L.  2017.  El sonido en la arquitectura religiosa de Fisac.. :448p..
Bloxam MJennifer, Shenton A.  2017.  Exploring Christian song . :xix,238pages:.
Bonomo J.  2017.  Field recordings from the inside : essays /. :262pages:.
Brown M, HOskins R, Meehan N.  2017.  Finding language : the Massey University composer addresses. :171pages;illustrations.
Roud S, Bishop JC.  2017.  Folk song in England . :1onlineresource;.
Brooker W.  2017.  Forever Stardust : David Bowie across the universe /. :259pages;.
Björkman C, Karlsson P.  2017.  Generalen : bara jag vet vem som vinner /. :390Seiten:.
Bourke CH.  2017.  Good-bye Maoriland : the songs and sounds of New Zealand's Great War. :ix,294pages;illustrations.
Bónis F.  2017.  Így láttuk Kodályt : nyolcvannyolc emlékezés . :650.
Born G, Lewis E, Straw W.  2017.  Improvisation and social aesthetics . :1onlineresource(345pages):.
Blauner A.  2017.  In their lives : great writers on great Beatles songs /. :xv,300pages:.
Baker DC, Green L.  2017.  Insights in sound : visually impaired musicians' lives and learning /. :xiv,271pages;.
Baker DC, Green L.  2017.  Insights in sound : visually impaired musicians' lives and learning /. :xiv,271pages;.
Bengtsson BC.  2017.  Iskra gränslös musik /. nummer 26:182pages:.
Berger DS.  2017.  Kids, music 'n' autism : bringing out the music in your child /. :167pages:.
Balmer Y, Lacôte T, Murray CBrent.  2017.  Le modèle et l'invention : Messiaen et la technique de l'emprunt /. :617pages:.
Bailey A.  2017.  Lorde. :83unnumberedpages.
