Recent Publications in Music

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Boyce-Tillman J, Roberts SB, Erricker J.  2019.  Enlivening faith : music, spirituality and Christian theology /. :xiii,421pages:.
Boyce-Tillman J, Roberts SB, Erricker J.  2019.  Enlivening faith : music, spirituality, and Christian theology /. [9]:xiii,421pages:.
Bannan N.  2019.  Every child a composer : music education in an evolutionary perspective /. :xliv,609pages:.
Onsman A, Burke R.  2019.  Experimentation in improvised jazz : chasing ideas /. :xi,192pages;.
Bartholdy FMendelssoh, Lindblad AFredrik, Öhrström E, Rudén JOlof.  2019.  Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy och Adolf Fredrik Lindblad : brevväxling 1827-1847.
Baptista TR.  2019.  The Flamingos : a complete history of the doo-wop legends /. :viii,240pages;.
Barrett M.  2019.  Forward : my life with and without Boney M. /. :1volume:.
Buckland S.  2019.  Francis Poulenc : music, art and literature /. :1onlineresource..
Devienne F, Bowers JM, Boehm T.  2019.  François Devienne's nouvelle méthode théorique et pratique pour la flute . :1volume;.
Devienne F, Bowers JM, Boehm T.  2019.  François Devienne's nouvelle méthode théorique et pratique pour la flute . :1volume;.
Benac E.  2019.  Frank Zappa : every album, every song 1966 to 1979 /. :1volume:.
Zdanowicz G, Bambrick S.  2019.  The game audio strategy guide : a practical course /. :1onlineresource:.
Budtz P-J.  2019.  Gasolin' . :1onlineresource.
Brueggemann W, Witvliet JD.  2019.  A glad obedience : why and what we sing /. :xvii,211pages;.
Burgh TW.  2019.  Is God funky or what? : Black biblical culture and contemporary popular music / vol. 111:xii,248pages;.
Baker A.  2019.  The great music city : exploring music, space and identity /. :1volume:.
Baker A.  2019.  The great music city : exploring music, space and identity /. :1onlineresource:.
Bucuvalas T.  2019.  Greek music in America . :xii,467pages:.
Abromont C, Boisselier L.  2019.  Guide de l'analyse musicale . :457pages:.
Boukobza J-F.  2019.  György Ligeti. Études pour piano . :261Seiten:.
Burke A.  2019.  Hinterland remixed : media, memory, and the Canadian 1970s /. :xii,248pages:.
Cloonan M, Frith S, Brennan M, Webster E.  2019.  The history of live music in Britain : from Hyde Park to the Hacienda.. :1onlineresource..
Bobetko SMajer.  2019.  Hrvatska glazbena historiografija od početka 20. stoljeća do 1945. godine. Muzikološke studije. 20:287.
Gábriel S.  2019.  Hymnuale ecclesiae Zagrabiensis : Metropolitanska knjižnica Zagrebačke nadbiskupije, MR 21/ : Hagyománytisztelet és egyéni alakítás a zágrábi székesegyház 15. század eleji himnáriumában. Resonemus pariter : műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez.
Basford J.  2019.  Index of Mirecourt luthiers 1896 . :28pages;.
