Recent Publications in Music

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Benavides A.  2020.  Músicas de barro y marfil. La relación entre el folklore y el piano español del siglo XIX. :448p..
Jorgensen HRose, Smedegaard C, Boge P.  2020.  Musik for mange orer : horelaere og musikteori. :60sider:(ill.;30cm)+.
Bradler K., Michel A..  2020.  Musik und Ethik. Ansätze aus Musikpädagogik, Philosophie und Neurowissenschaft. . :146p..
Beaven Z, O'Dair M, Osborne R.  2020.  Mute Records : artists, business, history /. :1volume:.
Brooks J, Boulanger N.  2020.  Nadia Boulanger and her world . :xvi,364pages:.
Brooks J, Boulanger N.  2020.  Nadia Boulanger and her world . :xvi,364pages:.
Uniting Church in Australia., Bible Society Australia,.  2020.  Nyiri inmatjara : inkara Godanya walkuntjaku.. :320pages:.
Berson G.  2020.  Olivia on the record : a radical experiment in women's music /. :1onlineresource:.
Benoliel B.  2020.  Parry before Jerusalem : studies of his life and music with excerpts from his published writings /. :1volume..
Brownlee C.  2020.  Pearl Jam's Vs . 154:1onlineresource(160pages)..
Blanque-López E.  2020.  Perfil del alumnado de enseñanzas profesionales de danza de Andalucía: factores sociales, motivacionales y académicos.
Bradley CA.  2020.  Polyphony in medieval Paris : the art of composing with plainchant /. :1volume:.
Borthwick S, Moy R.  2020.  Popular music genres : an introduction /. :1onlineresource..
Tófalvy T, Barna E.  2020.  Popular music, technology, and the changing media ecosystem : from cassettes to stream /. :1onlineresource:.
Borenstein E.  2020.  Pussy Riot : speaking punk to power /. :xii,135pages;.
Barz GF, Cheng W.  2020.  Queering the field : sounding out ethnomusicology /. :xx,442pages:.
Brewster B., Broughton F., Brewster B..  2020.  The record players : the story of dance music told by history's greatest DJs /. :1onlineresource(480pages)..
Brewster B., Broughton F., Brewster B..  2020.  The record players : the story of dance music told by history's greatest DJs /. :1onlineresource(480pages)..
Brewster B., Broughton F., Brewster B..  2020.  The record players : the story of dance music told by history's greatest DJs /. :1onlineresource(480pages)..
Burgos-Bordonau E.  2020.  Rollos españoles en tierras americanas: la colección "Casado García-Sampedro". :122p..
Gudmundsdottir HR, Beynon C, Ludke K, Cohen AJ.  2020.  The Routledge companion to interdisciplinary studies in singing.. :1volume:.
Black D.  2020.  The sanest guy in the room : a memoir /. :1onlineresource:.
Ballantyne PH.  2020.  Scottish dance beyond 1805 : reaction and regulation /. :1onlineresource..
Briley R.  2020.  Searching for Woody Guthrie : a personal exploration of the folk singer, his music, and his politics /. :xii,388pages;.
Wyatt R, Benge A..  2020.  Side by side : selected lyrics /. :1volume;.
