Recent Publications in Music

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Mangaoang A, O'Flynn J, Briain LÓ.  2020.  Made in Ireland : studies in popular music /. :1volume:.
Bent M.  2020.  Magister Jacobus de Ispania, author of the Speculum musicae . :1volume.
Bodkin-Allen S..  2020.  Making Music at the Bottom of the World in Southland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. . :1onlineresource(174pages)..
Bodkin-Allen S.  2020.  Making music at the bottom of the world in Southland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. :160.
Keys A, Burford M.  2020.  More myself : a journey /. :viii,256pages;.
Rothenberg DJ, Brand BDavid.  2020.  Music and culture in the Middle Ages and beyond : liturgy, sources, symbolism /. :1volume:.
Baird A., Garrido S, Tamplin J.  2020.  Music and dementia : from cognition to therapy /. :xi,306pages:.
Bryan D.  2020.  Music as Medicine : particularly in Parkinson's /. :1onlineresource..
Ballico C, Watson A.  2020.  Music cities : evaluating a global cultural policy concept /. :1onlineresource:.
Ballico C, Watson A.  2020.  Music cities : evaluating a global cultural policy concept /. :1volume:.
Beaster-Jones J.  2020.  Music commodities, markets, and values : music as merchandise /. :1volume:.
O'Hara B, Beard M.  2020.  Music & entertainment marketing : a practical user's guide music marketing /. :v,202pages:.
Buhler J, Durrand M.  2020.  Music in action film : sounds like action! /. :1onlineresource..
Buhler J, Durrand M.  2020.  Music in action film : sounds like action! /. :1volume:.
Belkind N.  2020.  Music in conflict Palestine, Israel and the politics of aesthetic production /. :1onlineresource.
Brodsky W, Gruhn W.  2020.  Music in the lives of young children : an annotated anthology of research papers from early child development and care /. :1volume;.
Bowler D.  2020.  Music is the drug : the authorised musical biography of Cowboy Junkies /. :1onlineresource.
Belgrave M, Kim S-A.  2020.  Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1onlineresource:.
Belgrave M, Kim S-A.  2020.  Music therapy in a multicultural context : a handbook for music therapy students and professionals /. :1volume:.
Barberá-Soler J-M.  2020.  Música y músicos con Granada de fondo. :306p..
Barjau-Riu E.  2020.  Música y palabra. :288p..
Barry B..  2020.  The Musical Matrix Reloaded : Contemporary Perspectives and Alternative Worlds in the Music of Beethoven and Schubert /. :1onlineresource(374p.).
Bohlman AF.  2020.  Musical solidarities : political action and music in late twentieth-century Poland /. :xiv,321pages:.
Aziz A, Boss J.  2020.  Musical waves : west coast perspectives of pitch, narrative, and form /. :1onlineresource(206pages)..
Aziz A, Boss JForrest.  2020.  Musical waves : west coast perspectives of pitch, narrative, and form /. :1volume;.
