Recent Publications in Music

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Soret M-G.  2021.  Saint-Saëns : un esprit libre /. :191pages:.
Battentier A.  2021.  A sociology of sound technicians making the show go on /. :1onlineresource(xxxi,140pages:illustrations)..
Bourdaghs MK, Iovene P, Mason K.  2021.  Sound alignments : popular music in Asia's cold wars /. :1onlineresource(vi,295pages):.
Brooks J, Stephens M, Thormählen W.  2021.  Sound heritage : making music matter in historic houses /. :1onlineresource.
Burke P.  2021.  Tear down the walls : white radicalism and black power in 1960s rock /. :1onlineresource(225pages):.
Brar DSingh.  2021.  Teklife/Ghettoville/Eski : the sonic ecologies of Black music in the early twenty-first century /. :171pages:.
Begbie J, Chua DKL, Rathey M.  2021.  Theology, music, and modernity : struggles for freedom /. :1onlineresource(400pages):.
Bernstein Z.  2021.  Thinking in and about music : analytical reflections on Milton Babbitt's music and thought /. :1onlineresource(xviii,299pages):.
Bailey C.  2021.  Unbinding gentility : women making music in the nineteenth-century South /. :xviii,292pages:.
Bradley FR.  2021.  Universal tonality : the life and music of William Parker /. :1onlineresource(xi,402pages):.
Bullock DW.  2021.  The Velvet Mafia : the Gay Men Who Ran The Swinging Sixties.. :1onlineresource(270pages).
Bertei A.  2021.  Why LaBelle matters . 006:xviii,188pages;.
Burk I..  2021.  The Winds of Change The Music at St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne 1947-1973.. :1onlineresource(288p.).
