Recent Publications in Music

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Brooks D.  2021.  Liner notes for the revolution : the intellectual life of black feminist sound /. :viii,598pages:.
Bärtsch N, Pfisterer A.  2021.  Listening : music, movement, mind : a useless guide for everything /. :340pages:.
J. Burkholder P.  2021.  Listening to Charles Ives : variations on his America /. :1onlineresource.
Zsuzsanna D, Lívia H, Balázs M, P Lídia N, Csilla P-V.  2021.  Liszt Ferenc műveinek ismeretlen változatai : a Budapesti Liszt Múzeum archívumából . :131.
Bardine B., Stueart J..  2021.  Living Metal Metal Scenes around the World.. :1onlineresource(310p.)..
H. Bernhard C.  2021.  Managing stress in music education : routes to wellness and vitality /. :88pages:.
H. Bernhard C.  2021.  Managing stress in music education : routes to wellness and vitality /. :1onlineresource(88pages):.
Bellamy O, Argerich M.  2021.  Martha Argerich raconte . :261pages;.
Hepworth-Sawyer R, Hodgson J, Shelvock MT, Braddock J-P, Toulson R.  2021.  Mastering in music . :1onlineresource:.
Berger AMaria Buss.  2021.  Mensuration and proportion signs : origins and evolution /. :xi,271pages:.
Bouthinon-Dumas B.  2021.  Mémoire d'empreintes . :volumes:.
Béla B, Yusuke N.  2021.  Mikrokosmos zongorára : BB 105 : 1932-1939. 1-2. köt. 1-66.. :IX,64p..
Béla B, Yusuke N.  2021.  Mikrokosmos zongorára : BB 105 : 1932-1939. 3-4.vol. 67-121.. :IX,104p..
Béla B, Yusuke N.  2021.  Mikrokosmos zongorára : BB 105 : 1932-1939. 5-6.vol. 122-153.. :IX,104p..
Bracey EN.  2021.  Miles Davis, and jazz as religion : the politics of social music culture /. :xxi,189pages:.
Calvocoressi M.D, Biojout J-P.  2021.  Modeste Moussorgski . 90:176pages:.
Brügge J.  2021.  Mozart-Perspektiven : Plädoyer für eine empirische Repertoireforschung / Joachim Brügge.. Band 25:268pages:.
Vourch M, Bird E.  2021.  Mozarts dagbog . :73sider:.
Bennett P.  2021.  Music and power at the court of Louis XIII : sounding the liturgy in early modern France /. :1onlineresource(xiv,324pages):.
Benedict C.  2021.  Music and social justice : a guide for elementary educators /. :1onlineresource(152pages).
Bargfrede A.  2021.  Music law in the digital age : copyright essentials for today's music business /. :xi,189pages:.
Berner E, Birgit H, Christian S, Cornelia S-K, M. WDavid, B. SDerek, Elias B, Emile W, Franziska D, Hanns-Werner H et al..  2021.  Music - Media - History : Re-Thinking Musicology in an Age of Digital Media /. volume 44:1onlineresource(300pages).
Berner E, Birgit H, Christian S, Cornelia S-K, M. WDavid, B. SDerek, Elias B, Emile W, Franziska D, Hanns-Werner H et al..  2021.  Music - Media - History : Re-Thinking Musicology in an Age of Digital Media /. volume 44:1onlineresource(300pages).
Berner E, Birgit H, Christian S, Cornelia S-K, M. WDavid, B. SDerek, Elias B, Emile W, Franziska D, Hanns-Werner H et al..  2021.  Music - Media - History : Re-Thinking Musicology in an Age of Digital Media /. volume 44:1onlineresource(300pages).
Nattiez J-J, Boulez P, Huguet JCampbell.  2021.  Musical analyses and musical exegesis : the shepherd's melody in Richard Wagner's Tristan and Isolde /. 180:xvii,452pages:.
