Recent Publications in Music

974 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Brendel A, Morley M, Wiegand G.  2013.  A pianist's A-Z : a piano lover's reader /. :vi,117pages:.
Savage J, Baker S, Reid J, Vaucher G.  2013.  Punk 45 : the singles cover art of punk 1975-80 /. :366pages:.
Adlington R.  2013.  Red strains : music and communism outside the communist bloc /. 185:xv,309pages:.
Popoff M, Bienstock R.  2013.  Rush : the illustrated history /. :190pages:.
Bolton M.  2013.  The soul of it all : my music, my life /. :xi,339pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bradley L.  2013.  Sounds like London : 100 years of black music in the capital /. :429pages:.
Springsteen B, Burger J.  2013.  Springsteen on Springsteen : interviews, speeches, encounters /. :xx,428pages:.
Beare C, Whiteley J, Beare C, Chiesa C, Whiteley J, Densley T..  2013.  Stradivarius . :224pages:.
Beare C, Whiteley J, Beare C, Chiesa C, Whiteley J, Densley T..  2013.  Stradivarius . :224pages:.
Burgess T.  2013.  Telling stories . :240pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bell I.  2013.  Time out of mind : the lives of Bob Dylan /. :576pages;.
Berrill M.  2013.  Tiny voices: an early years music research report. :24pages.
Muir S, Belina-Johnson A, Taruskin R.  2013.  Wagner in Russia, Poland and the Czech lands : musical, literary, and cultural perspectives /. :xxxvii,216pages:.
Bartlett I, Bruce RJ.  2013.  William Boyce : a tercentenary sourcebook and compendium /. :xxii,338pages:.
Bartlett I, Bruce RJ.  2013.  William Boyce : a tercentenary sourcebook and compendium /. :xxii,338pages:.
Barnett N.  2013.  Winterley 'brassed' & present : 75 years of music making /. :92pages:.
