Recent Publications in Music

974 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Filterkriterien: Anfangsbuchstabe Des Nachnamens gleich B  [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Brooke I.  2013.  50 years of Scottish opera : a celebration /. :286pages:.
Kleinman J, Buckoke P.  2013.  The Alexander technique for musicians . :1onlineresource(224pages)..
Bisschoff L., Peer Svan de..  2013.  Art and trauma in Africa : representations of reconciliation in music, visual arts, literature and film /. 21:xxxiii,325p.:.
Burgess RJames..  2013.  The art of music production : the theory and practice /. :xii,329pages;.
Bailey O.  2013.  Blues guitar heroes . :253pages:.
Barnes P, Gammond P.  2013.  The bluffer's guide to jazz . :109pages;.
Beaumont M.  2013.  Bon Iver . :v,231pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
British Automobile Racing Club,.  2013.  The British Automoblie Racing Club. .
Balmer P..  2013.  Build your own electric guitar . :160p.:.
Bizet G.  2013.  Carmen. :376pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Benn T.  2013.  Chamber music . :322pages;.
