Recent Publications in Music

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Tóth M, Voit V, Bónis F, Riskó K.  2017.  A magyar Himnusz képes albuma . :127+1CD.
Bugyis KAnn-Marie, Kraebel A.B, Fassler MElsbeth.  2017.  Medieval cantors and their craft : music, liturgy and the shaping of history, 800-1500 /. volume 3:xvii,370pages:.
Beaster-Jones J, Sarrazin NRose.  2017.  Music in contemporary Indian film : memory, voice, identity /. :xi,212pages:illustrations;23cm..
Bohn JMatthew.  2017.  Music in Disney's animated features : Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to The jungle book /. :xviii,294pages:.
Bodley LByrne.  2017.  Music in Goethe's Faust : Goethe's Faust in music /. :xix,336pages:.
Barger J.  2017.  Music in The girl's own paper : an annotated catalogue, 1880 - 1910 /. :viii,351pages:illustrations,music;24cm..
Barjau-Riu E.  2017.  Música, sentimiento, poder.. :96p..
Buck DN.  2017.  A musicology for landscape . :xx,178pages:.
Bryngelsson P..  2017.  Musik på blodigt allvar : en studie av musikens roll i krig och konflikter .
Bryngelsson P..  2017.  Musik paa blodigt allvar en studie av musikens roll i krig och konflikter /. :151pages:.
Bucht G.  2017.  Nielsen - Sibelius - Stenhammar : mellan Norden och Europa /. :141pages:.
Browning B.  2017.  An orientation to musical pedagogy : becoming a musician-educator /. :viii,229pages:.
Szilágyi E, Fazakas I, Bánföldi T.  2017.  Parlando : esszék, kritikák, versek . :103.
Beres K, Hahn C.  2017.  The pianist's guide to standard teaching and performance concertos : an invaluable resource of keyboard concertos from baroque through contemporary periods for teachers, students, and performers /. :ix,133pages;.
Burton JAdams.  2017.  Posthuman rap . :xv,155pages:.
J. Bennett H.  2017.  The prodigal Rogerson : the tragic, hilarious, and possibly apocryphal story of Circle Jerks bassist Roger Rogerson in the golden age of LA punk, 1979-1996 /. :94pages:.
Wilson J, Bartenstein F.  2017.  Roots music in America : collected writings of Joe Wilson /. :xix,290pages;.
Smith GDylan, Moir Z, Brennan M, Rambarran S, Kirkman P.  2017.  The Routledge research companion to popular music education . :1onlineresource.
Bickford T.  2017.  Schooling new media : music, language, and technology in children's culture /. :ix,188pages:.
Beach D.  2017.  Schubert's mature instrumental music : a theorist's perspective /. v. 142:x,212pages:.
Brown M, Owens S.  2017.  Searches for tradition : essays on New Zealand music, past & present. :294pages:illustrations(somecolour),music.
Bartig K.  2017.  Sergei Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky . :x,161pages:.
Kramer L, Leppert RD, Bernhart W.  2017.  Song acts : writings on words and music /. Volume 16:xix,463pages:.
Hetény J, Barna G.  2017.  Számvetésem hivatásomról, családomról . Szegedi vallási néprajzi könyvtár = Bibliotheca religionis popularis Szegediensis, . 57:192.
Bacon RW.  2017.  Vintage from vinyl : early recordings of the Goodtime Ragtime Vaudeville Revival : presenting a panorama of musical Americana, a collection of music & song from the ragtime, jazz, and vaudeville years! : jug band, string band, blues, banjos, washboards, k. :192pages:.
