Recent Publications in Music

974 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Filterkriterien: Anfangsbuchstabe Des Nachnamens gleich B  [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Baumgartner M, Boczkowska E.  2023.  Music, authorship, narration, and art cinema in Europe : 1940s to 1980s /. :1onlineresource(xi,237pages):.
Burlingame J.  2023.  Music for prime time : a history of American television themes and scoring /. :viii,467pages:.
Barney K.  2023.  Musical collaboration between indigenous and non-indigenous people in Australia : exchanges in the third space /. :1onlineresource(xiii,160pages)..
Bezić N.  2023.  Musikalische Spaziergänge durch Zagreb . :264.
Bálint H.  2023.  Orbán György. Magyar zeneszerzők. 43:72.
Bunch R.  2023.  Oz and the musical : performing the American fairy tale /. :xiii,213pages:.
Brunt S, Giuffre L.  2023.  Popular music and parenting . :x,158pages:.
Baker S, Cantillon Z, Nowak RI⁸l.  2023.  Popular music heritage, cultural justice and the deindustrialising city . :1onlineresource(76pages).
Hendler M, Bruckner-Haring C., Doehring A., Kappel E.  2023.  Prehistory of jazz . 16:x,242pages;.
Broad L.  2023.  Quartet : how four women changed the musical world /. :vii,472pages:.
Murray CBrent, Barthel-Calvet A-S.  2023.  Revisiting the historiography of postwar avant-garde music . :1onlineresource.
Bostridge I.  2023.  Song & self : a singer's reflections on music and performance /. :xviii,110pages,4unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bertola MFosco.  2023.  The sound of Žižek : musicological perspectives on Slavoj Žižek /. volume 2:xv,178pages.
Browne SElizabeth.  2023.  Staging rebellion in the musical, Hair : marginalised voices in musical theatre /. :1onlineresource(xiv,179pages):.
Blecha P.  2023.  Stomp and shout : R&B and the origins of Northwest rock and roll /. :xv,278pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Béla B, László S, Zsombor N.  2023.  Streichquartett Nr. 3 : [BB 93] : [Dedicated to the Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia. :IX,39.
Béla B, László S, Zsombor N.  2023.  Streichquartett Nr. 3 : [BB 93] : [Dedicated to the Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia] = String Quartet no. 3 . :VII,22,13,12,11.
Béla B, László S, Zsombor N.  2023.  Streichquartett Nr. 4 : [BB 95] : [Au Quatour Pro Arte (Alphonse Onnou, Laurent Halleux, Germain Prévost, Robert Maas. :XVI,54.
Béla B, László S, Zsombor N.  2023.  Streichquartett Nr. 4 : [BB 95] : [Au Quatuor Pro Arte (Alphonse Onnou, Laurent Halleux, Germain Prévost, Robert Maas)] = String Quartet no. 4 . :XI,28,20,20,20.
Béla SLakatos, László H.  2023.  Szakcsi Lakatos Béla (1943-2022)Cifra ország [elektronikus dok.] : beszélgetés Szakcsi Lakatos Béla zongoraművésszel.
Klára E-M, Beáta E-P, Katalin S-B.  2023.  "Száll az ének szájról szájra" : Isaszegi népdalok az 1910-es évekből : Radó Gyuláné szül. Kenesei Ilona gyűjtéséből. Isaszegi helytörténeti füzetek . 2:127.
Boethius AManlius Se, András K, Réka V, László V.  2023.  Tanítás a zenéről : De institutione musica . :293.
Santi M., Berner E..  2023.  Telling sounds. Tracing music history in digital media archives. . :200p..
Smith A.K, Burgis P, Charles H.  2023.  Tex Morton : from Australian yodeler to international showman /. :1onlineresource(xxii,385pages)..
Beer LE, Birnbaum JC.  2023.  Trauma-informed music therapy : theory and practice /. :xx,163p:.
