Recent Publications in Music
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The art songs of Louise Talma . no. 9:xi,290pages:.
2017. An audacious decade : celebrating Canterbury's sound community. :78:colourillustrations.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Beyond reason : Wagner contra Nietzsche /. :1onlineresource.
2017. Boom's Blues : music, journalism and friendship in wartime /. :xvi,301pages:.
2017. Cello, bow and you : putting it all together /. :xx,234pages:illustrations;24cm.
2017. Concerto for orchestra : BB 123 . Béla Bartók complete critical edition. Serie III. Orchestral works:253.
2017. Contemporary research in music learning across the lifespan : music education and human development /. 4:xii,260pages:illustrations;.
2017. Cultural histories of noise, sound and listening in Europe, 1300-1918 . :1onlineresource.
2017. .
2017. A dalszerző Liszt. :216.
2017. David Bowie made me gay : 100 years of LGBT music /. :1onlineresource(358pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates):.
2017. Druids, Storytelling, and the National Eisteddfod : Music's Relationship to Three Forms of Bardic Identity /. :56pages:.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. .
2017. .
2017. The eighteenth-century fortepiano grand and its patrons from Scarlatti to Beethoven . :1onlineresource.
2017. .
2017. .
2017. Exploring Christian song . :xix,238pages:.
2017. Field recordings from the inside : essays /. :262pages:.