Recent Publications in Music
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Filterkriterien: Anfangsbuchstabe Des Nachnamens gleich B [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Springsteen on Springsteen : interviews, speeches, encounters /. :xx,428pages:.
2013. Stradivarius . :224pages:.
2013. Stradivarius . :224pages:.
2013. Telling stories . :240pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Time out of mind : the lives of Bob Dylan /. :576pages;.
2013. .
2013. Wagner in Russia, Poland and the Czech lands : musical, literary, and cultural perspectives /. :xxxvii,216pages:.
2013. William Boyce : a tercentenary sourcebook and compendium /. :xxii,338pages:.
2013. William Boyce : a tercentenary sourcebook and compendium /. :xxii,338pages:.
2013. .
2013. Behind the boards II : the making of rock 'n' roll's greatest records revealed /. :viii,292pages;23cm.
2014. Constructing urban space with sounds and music . :vii,126pages:.
2014. The cultural impact of Kanye West . :xxx,261pages;.
2014. Jazz me blues : the autobiography of Chris Barber /. :vii,172pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2014. .
2014. Anxiety muted : American film music in a suburban age /. :xviii,298pages:illustrations,music;24cm.
2015. Bevezetés a gregorián énekbe : középfokra : elmélet, fogalomtár, példatár. Egyházzenei füzetek.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. Bollywood sounds: the cosmopolitan mediations of Hindi film song. :xx,240pages:illustrations;25cm.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .