Recent Publications in Music

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Sharon D, Bell D.  2024.  A cappella arranging 2.0 : the next level /. :x,435pages:.
Brandtner A, Loose-Einfalt K, Schmidl S.  2024.  "... eine Quelle von vielen Vergnügungen" : Schubert am Land : der Komponist und Atzenbrugg /. :159pages:.
Nemtsov J, Bottenberg W, Bopp V, Kahn E.  2024.  From St. Petersburg to Vienna : the New Jewish School in Music (1908-1938) as part of the Jewish Cultural Renaissance /. Band 17:xviii,475pages:.
Nemtsov J, Bottenberg W, Bopp V, Kahn E.  2024.  From St. Petersburg to Vienna : the New Jewish School in Music (1908-1938) as part of the Jewish Cultural Renaissance /. Band 17:xviii,475pages:.
Bruér J.  2024.  Jazz i Sverige : de första hundra åren.
Pontara T, Bergman \AA.  2024.  Klassisk musik i det moderna mediesamhället : konstruktioner, föreställningar, förhandlingar.
Bollen A.  2024.  Labelled with love : a history of the world in your record collection /. :320pages;.
Bertels K., Honnold A..  2024.  The legacy of Elise Hall : contemporary perspectives on gender and the saxophone /. :190pages:.
Bertels K., Honnold A..  2024.  Legacy of Elise Hall : Contemporary Perspectives on Gender and the Saxophone. . :180p..
Borghetti V, Hatzikiriakos AMaria.  2024.  The media of secular music in the medieval and early modern period (1100-1650) . :xvi,319pages:.
Brennan I, Glennie E, Delli M.  2024.  Missing music : voices from where the dirt roads end /. :xv,144pages:.
Hahn M, Björk C, Westerlund H.  2024.  Music schools in changing societies : how collaborative professionalism can transform music education /. :xv,217pages:.
Bryngelsson P.  2024.  Musiksmak : en bok om att tycka om musik.
Bäckman M.  2024.  My Bag of Licks [Elektronisk resurs] Exploring a Harmonica Player's Voice.
Barger J.  2024.  The nurse in history and opera : from servant to sister /. :vii,249pages;.
Blunnie R, Crilly C.  2024.  Perspectives on conducting . :xi,271pages:.
Brooks EH.  2024.  On rhetoric and Black music . :x,222pages:.
Berone L, Vila P, Vulcano CA.  2024.  Rock poetry in post-dictatorship Argentina : an analysis of discursive production in the 1980s /. :x,205pages:.
Junk D, Bronson F.  2024.  Rockin' the Kremlin : my incredible true story of gangsters, oligarchs, and pop stars in Putin's Russia /. :xii,266pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Benadon F.  2024.  Swinglines : rhythm, timing, and polymeter in musical phrasing /. :xi,307pages:.
Rachel D, Black P.  2024.  Too much too young : the 2 Tone Records story : rude boys, racism, and the soundtrack of a generation /. :480pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Becker RN.  2024.  Valuing nineteenth-century Italian opera fantasias for woodwind instruments : trash music /. :vi,236pages:.
Bang D, Gompertz C, Graves M.  2024.  Vince Guaraldi at the piano . :x,468pages:.
Bohman K.  2024.  What is music education? : discursive construction and legitimisation of theory and practice in a Swedish upper secondary school
