Recent Publications in Music

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Blanken C, Wolff C, Wollny P, Schmieder W.  2022.  Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach : Dritte, erweiterte Neuausgabe (BWV³) /. :xliv,835pages:.
Blanken C, Wolff C, Wollny P, Schmieder W.  2022.  Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach : Dritte, erweiterte Neuausgabe (BWV³) /. :xliv,835pages:.
Bradley D, Hess J.  2022.  Trauma and resilience in music education : haunted melodies /. :1onlineresource(viii,224pages).
Balić V, Besson V, Stipčević E.  2022.  Venice, Schiavoni and the dissemination of early modern music : a companion to Ivan Lukacic /. :288pages:.
Balić V, Besson V, Stipčević E.  2022.  Venice, Schiavoni and the dissemination of early modern music : a companion to Ivan Lukacic /. :288pages:.
Balić V, Besson V, Stipčević E.  2022.  Venice, Schiavoni and the dissemination of early modern music : a companion to Ivan Lukačić /. :288pages:.
Balić V, Besson V, Stipčević E.  2022.  Venice, Schiavoni and the dissemination of early modern music : a companion to Ivan Lukačić /. :288pages:.
Buurman E.  2022.  The Viennese ballroom in the age of Beethoven . :xiv,193pages;.
Barker J.  2022.  Violin-making : a practical guide /. :127pages:.
Barker J.  2022.  Violin-making : a practical guide /. :127pages:.
Piorecká K, Bendová E, Hrdina M.  2022.  Výpravy k já : projevy individualismu v české kultuře 19. století : sborník příspěvků z 41. ročníku mezioborového sympozia k problematice 19. století : Plzeň, 17.-19. června 2021 /. :342pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bádue A.  2022.  "Why aren't they talking?" : the sung-through musical from the 1980s to the 2010s / :66pages;.
Bate S, Crary D, Gambetta B, McCutcheon J, Friesen O.  2022.  Winfield's Walnut Valley Festival . :175pages:.
Buscatto M.  2022.  Women in jazz : musicality, femininity, marginalization /. :1onlineresource..
Bartha D, Scholz A.  2022.  Zenekritikák a Pester Lloydban (1939-1944) . Kor - kultúra - kapcsolódás. :280.
