Recent Publications in Music

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Barnes G.  2022.  National identity and the British musical : from Blood Brothers to Cinderella /. :1onlineresource(256pages).
Bentley C.  2022.  New Orleans and the creation of transatlantic opera, 1819-1859 . :256pages:.
Bentley C.  2022.  New Orleans and the creation of transatlantic opera, 1819-1859 . :256pages:.
Burrows D, Vickers D.  2022.  New perspectives on Handel's music : essays in honour of Donald Burrows /. :xx,453pages:.
Butt G.  2022.  No machos or pop stars : when the Leeds art experiment went punk /. :xviii,290pages:.
Butt G.  2022.  No machos or pop stars : when the Leeds art experiment went punk /. :1onlineresource(xviii,290pages):.
Breihan T.  2022.  The number ones : twenty chart-topping hits that reveal the history of pop music /. :ix,342pages;.
Bozó P.  2022.  Offenbach performance in Budapest, 1920-1956 : Orpheus on the Danube /. :80pages:.
Bozó P.  2022.  Offenbach performance in Budapest, 1920-1956 : Orpheus on the Danube /. :1onlineresource(80pages):.
Cheek T, Toccafondi A, Brownlee L, Hampson T.  2022.  Perfect Italian diction for singers : an authoritative guide /. :xix,228pages:.
Brewer MKathryn.  2022.  A performance guide to Verdi's art songs : with a performance CD /. :ii,185pages:.
Borg B, Hastey B.  2022.  Personal finance for musicians . :xi,250pages;.
Wright SE, Be̹gel V, Palmer C.  2022.  Physiological influences of music in perception and action . :1onlineresource(73pages).
Beatty B.  2022.  Play all night! : Duane Allman and the journey to Fillmore East /. :xiii,257pages:.
Boon M.  2022.  The politics of vibration : music as a cosmopolitical practice /. :1onlineresource(viii,279pages).
Bennett A.  2022.  Popular music heritage places, objects, images and texts /. :1onlineresource.
Bullock PRoss..  2022.  Rachmaninoff and His World. . :1onlineresource(383pages).
Hatschek K, Bavan Y.  2022.  The real ambassadors : Dave and Iola Brubeck and Louis Armstrong challenge segregation /. :xv,279pages:.
Blanchard K, Gabriel P.  2022.  Reverberation : do everything better with music /. :vi,233pages:.
Blanchard K, Gabriel P.  2022.  Reverberation : do everything better with music /. :vi,233pages:.
Bryngelsson P..  2022.  Sagan om Sagan om ringen. . :288sidor.
Banchs E.  2022.  Scream for me, Africa! : heavy metal identities in post-colonial Africa /. :viii,176pages:.
Borgo D.  2022.  Sync or swarm : improvising music in a complex age /. :xxvii,285pages:.
Beal AC.  2022.  Terrible freedom : the life and work of Lucia Dlugoszewski /. 31:1onlineresource(xv,227pages):.
Beal AC.  2022.  Terrible freedom : the life and work of Lucia Dlugoszewski /. 31:xv,227pages:.
