Recent Publications in Music

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Besser J, McCloy N.  2022.  Around the corners, out to the edges : a memoir by composer Jonathan Besser . :280.
Brown DF.  2022.  Assembling a Black counter culture . :432pages:.
Bradley CA.  2022.  Authorship and identity in late thirteenth-century motets . :1onlineresource:.
Beghin T.  2022.  Beethoven's French piano : a tale of ambition and frustration /. :xxi,410pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bekker P, Langenbruch A, Kraus BAngelika, Siegert C.  2022.  Beethovens Vermächtnis : mit Beethoven im Exil : Bericht über das internationale Symposium, Bonn, 1. bis 3. März 2018 : mit einer Edition der gleichnamigen Studie von Paul Bekker /. Band 32:x,471pages:.
Bloom P.  2022.  Berlioz in time: from early recognition to lasting renown /. v. 183:xxii,352pages:.
Burn DJ, Chemotti A, Bergé P.  2022.  The book of requiems : from the earliest ages to the present period /. :<2>volumes:.
Burn DJ, Chemotti A, Bergé P.  2022.  The book of requiems : from the earliest ages to the present period /. :<2>volumes:.
Bonin C.  2022.  The Broadway belt : the Musical diva and her belt voice from technical, ethnic, and feminist perspectives /. Band 49:xxi,420pages;.
Dalmonte R, Baroni M, Webb MD.  2022.  Bruno Maderna : his life and music /. :xi,331pages:.
Shaw M, Cleveland S, Woznicki LM, Peters C, Wertheimer ME, Testa M, McTyre RBoles, Feustle M, Sajewski M, Greene T et al..  2022.  Careers in music libraries IV . v. 39:x,408pages:.
Shaw M, Cleveland S, Woznicki LM, Peters C, Wertheimer ME, Testa M, McTyre RBoles, Feustle M, Sajewski M, Greene T et al..  2022.  Careers in music libraries IV . v. 39:x,408pages:.
Machado BFonseca, Badiz P, Rodgers D.  2022.  Discourses on American musical theater between São Paulo and New York : theatrical flows at the beginning of the twenty-first century /. :xvii,137pages;.
Barnes S.  2022.  Everything I need to know I learned from country music : life lessons on love, heartbreak, and more from America's favorite songs /. :142pages:.
Barnes S, Delevante B.  2022.  Everything I need to know I learned from country music : life lessons on love, heartbreak, and more from America's favorite songs /. :142pages:.
Billström RDobre.  2022.  Feminist musical engagements : The struggle against gender inequalities in music-making practices /.
