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Edward Elgar, provincial musician : diaries 1857-1896 /. volume 1:xvii,492pages8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. The encyclopaedia of music in Ireland. :xxxiii,1145pages.
2013. George Frideric Handel : collected documents.. :xxiii,835pages:.
2013. .
2013. The history of live music in Britain . :3volumes;.
2013. Keith Richards : the unauthorised biography /. :458pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Kennedy : a musical celebration /. :77pages;.
2013. Learning to fly : the autobiography /. :x,517pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Life is a gift : the zen of Bennett /. :xviii,250pages:.
2013. .
2013. .
2013. Music, modernity, and God : essays in listening /. :261pages:.
2013. Music & the British military in the long nineteenth century . :xi,353pages:.
2013. Music : the definitive visual history /. :400pages:.
2013. A musician divided : André Tchaikowsky in his own words /. no. 10:434pages:.
2013. My brother Benjamin . :xiv,205pages;.
2013. Nell Hannah : aye singin an spinnin yarns /. :130pages:.
2013. Nirvana : a tour diary : my life on the road with one of the greatest bands of all time /. :278pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Once upon a time : the lives of Bob Dylan /. :590pages;.
2013. A pianist's A-Z : a piano lover's reader /. :vi,117pages:.
2013. Punk 45 : the singles cover art of punk 1975-80 /. :366pages:.
2013. Red strains : music and communism outside the communist bloc /. 185:xv,309pages:.
2013. Rush : the illustrated history /. :190pages:.
2013. The soul of it all : my music, my life /. :xi,339pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. .