Recent Publications in Music

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Béla B, László S.  2019.  Works for piano 1914-1920. Béla Bartók complete critical edition. 38:220.
Bartolome SJ.  2019.  World music pedagogy. . :1volume:.
Bartolome SJ.  2019.  World music pedagogy. . :1onlineresource:.
Bakan MB.  2019.  World music : traditions and transformations /. :xxxix,392pages:.
Bradley K, Brewer C.  2020.  101 inclusive and SEN art, design technology and music lessons : fun activities and lesson plans for children aged 3 - 11 /. :1volume;.
Bradley K, Brewer C.  2020.  101 inclusive and SEN art, design technology and music lessons : fun activities and lesson plans for children aged 3 - 11 /. :1volume;.
Bygdéus P, Eriksson T, Wallrup E.  2020.  250 : Kungl. Musikaliska Akademien 1771-2021.
Erdmann H, Becce G, Brav L.  2020.  Allgemeines Handbuch der Film-Musik . :155,226Seiten.
Erdmann H, Becce G, Brav L.  2020.  Allgemeines Handbuch der Film-Musik . :155,226Seiten.
Erdmann H, Becce G, Brav L, Brandner H.  2020.  Allgemeines Handbuch der Filmmusik . :XI,155,VII,226Seiten.
Erdmann H, Becce G, Brav L, Brandner H.  2020.  Allgemeines Handbuch der Filmmusik . :XI,155,VII,226Seiten.
Erdmann H, Becce G, Brav L, Brandner H.  2020.  Allgemeines Handbuch der Filmmusik . :XI,155,VII,226Seiten.
Butterworth N.  2020.  The American symphony . :1volume;.
Bazayev I, Segall C.  2020.  Analytical approaches to 20th-century Russian music : tonality, modernism, serialism /. :1onlineresource:.
Béla S.  2020.  Anyanyelvű kultúra, nemzeti önazonosság, művészettel nevelés : tanulmánykötet . :133.
Barwick L, Green J, Vaarzon-Morel P.  2020.  Archival returns : Central Australia and beyond /. No. 18.:electronictext(xxviii,345pages):.
Bernard SCurran, Rabin K.  2020.  Archival storytelling : a filmmaker's guide to finding, using, and licensing third-party visuals and music /. :1onlineresource:.
Balázs L.  2020.  Azok a régi csibészek : párbeszéd a rock and rollról 2. . :329.
Munch J, Dragheim-Lauritsen T, Lesner FVammen, Bugge N.  2020.  Banddoktor . :[40sider]:.
Brito-López J.  2020.  Barrios orquestados. Metodología musical desde lo social. :380p..
Bonds MEvan.  2020.  The Beethoven syndrome : hearing music as autobiography /. :xii,325pages:.
Balliro L, Canfield J.  2020.  Being a singer : the art, craft, and science /. :xvii,228pages:.
Zagorski-Thomas S, Bourbon A.  2020.  The Bloomsbury handbook of music production. :xvii,413pages;.
Boucher D, Boucher L.  2020.  Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen : deaths and entrances /. :1onlineresource(272pages).
Boucher D, Boucher L.  2020.  Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen : deaths and entrances /. :1onlineresource(272pages).
