Recent Publications in Music

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Bird M, Bennett C.  2019.  Ridgehurst friends . Series II, Volume 3:ix,415pages:.
Bird M, Bennett C.  2019.  Ridgehurst friends . Series II, Volume 3:ix,415pages:.
Green J, Barker G, Lowry R.  2019.  A riot of our own : night and day with The Clash - and after /. :1volume:.
Green J, Barker G, Lowry R.  2019.  A riot of our own : night and day with The Clash - and after /. :1onlineresource:.
Balázs M, Melinda B.  2019.  Robert Volkmann . Magyar zeneszerzők. :36.
Kitts TM, Baxter-Moore N.  2019.  The Routledge companion to popular music and humor . :xii,421pages:.
Kitts TM, Baxter-Moore N.  2019.  The Routledge companion to popular music and humor . :1onlineresource:.
Ferenc L, Tippet D, Beghelli M, Vella F, Roen D.  2019.  Sardanapalo : atto primo : töredék. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke. IX.2 Serie IX : Vokalwerke mit Orchester oder mit mehreren Instrumenten. . 2:XXXVI,141.
Beach D.  2019.  Schenkerian analysis : perspectives on phrase rhythm, motive, and form /. :1volume:.
Beach D.  2019.  Schenkerian analysis : perspectives on phrase rhythm, motive, and form /. :1onlineresource:.
Béla B, Yusuke N.  2019.  Sechs Tänze in bulgarischem Rhythmus aus Mikrokosmos : BB 105/148-153 : [Harriet Cohen gewidmet]. :V,30p.
Bell A.  2019.  Sibelius music app basics . :128pages:.
Bendrups D.  2019.  Singing and survival : the music of Easter Island /. :xxii,195pages:.
Ramsten M, Boström M, Eriksson KL, Gustafsson M.  2019.  Spelmansböcker i Norden : perspektiv på handskrivna notböcker.
Burrows T, Snowden J.  2019.  The story of the Beatles . :161pages:.
Wilson M, Bego M.  2019.  Supreme glamour . :239pages:.
Bolesławska B.  2019.  The symphony and symphonic thinking in Polish music since 1956 . :1onlineresource:.
Germano WP.  2019.  The tales of Hoffmann . :1onlineresource(120pages)..
Buhler J.  2019.  Theories of the soundtrack . :xiv,318pages:.
Berger HM, Stone RM.  2019.  Theory for ethnomusicology : histories, conversations, insights /. :xi,242pages;.
Wolf RK, Blum S, Hasty C.  2019.  Thought and play in musical rhythm : Asian, African, and Euro-American perspectives /. :xvii,431pages:.
Béla B, János S.  2019.  Török népzene Kis-Ázsiából : magyar fordítás és kották. :274.
Bouffard-Veilleux M, Schirm C, Vinciguerra J-M.  2019.  Un air d'Italie : l'Opéra de Paris de Louis XIV à la Révolution /. :191pages:.
Reul BM, Bodley LByrne.  2019.  Unknown Schubert . :1volume;.
Beyer A, Christensen J.  2019.  The voice of music : conversations with composers of our time /. :1onlineresource..
