Recent Publications in Music

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Brown WPaul.  2019.  Master classes with Menahem Pressler . :1onlineresource.
Bugyis KAnn-Marie, Kraebel A.B, Fassler MElsbeth.  2019.  Medieval cantors and their craft : music, liturgy and the shaping of history, 800-1500 /. 3:1volume;.
Barone S.  2019.  Metal, rap, and electro in post-revolutionary Tunisia : a fragile underground /. :1volume;.
Banks J.  2019.  Monopoly television : MTV's quest to control the music /. :1volume;.
Barclay M.  2019.  Muriel Barclay : performing art.. :12pages:.
Bennett MJosephine, Gracon D.  2019.  Music and death : interdisciplinary readings and perspectives /. :1onlineresource..
Baumgartner M, Boczkowska E.  2019.  Music, collective memory, trauma and nostalgia in European cinema after the Second World War . :1volume:.
Baumgartner M, Boczkowska E.  2019.  Music, collective memory, trauma and nostalgia in European cinema after the Second World War . :1volume:.
Belina A, Kilpiö K, Scott DB.  2019.  Music history and cosmopolitanism . :1volume:.
Boulez P, Dunsby J, Goldman J, Whittall A.  2019.  Music lessons : the Collège de France lectures /. :xxvi,662pages;.
Brandt PAage, Brandt L, Cronquist U, Hanenberg P, Bennett A.  2019.  The music of meaning : essays in cognitive semoitics /. :1volume;.
Brandt PAage, Brandt L, Cronquist U, Hanenberg P, Bennett A.  2019.  The music of meaning : essays in cognitive semoitics /. :1volume;.
Brandt PAage, Brandt L, Cronquist U, Hanenberg P, Bennett A.  2019.  The music of meaning : essays in cognitive semoitics /. :1volume;.
Bunzel A, Loges N.  2019.  Musical salon culture in the long nineteenth century . :xviii,284pages:.
Beaucage R.  2019.  Musique actuelle : topographie d'un genre : autour du FIMAV et de quelques autres festivals (Montréal, Paris, Québec, Reykjavik, Venise...) /. :209pages:.
Garrido W, Bendrups D, Hayward P.  2019.  Música de Chiloé : folklore, syncretism, and cultural development in a Chilean aquapelago /. :xix,123pages:.
Beckh H, Stott A, Stott M, Franklin N, Binder K.  2019.  The mystery of musical creativity : the human being and music /. :vi,181pages:.
Beckh H, Stott A, Stott M, Franklin N, Binder K.  2019.  The mystery of musical creativity : the human being and music /. :vi,181pages:.
Barclay M.  2019.  The never-ending present : the story of Gord Downie and the Tragically Hip /. :482pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Brown A.  2019.  Nileism : the strange course of The Blue Nile /. :1volume;.
Burian A.  2019.  No apocalypse : punk, politics, and the great American weirdness /. :190pages;.
Stahl G, Bottà G.  2019.  Nocturnes : popular music and the night /. :1volume:.
Beitia-Bastida M-Á.  2019.  Oír y pensar la música en el siglo XX: un ensayo de filosofía de la música. :295p..
Benitez VPerez.  2019.  Olivier Messiaen's opera, Saint François d'Assise . :1onlineresource.
Maclear K, Eggenschwiler B, Britt F.  2019.  Opératique .
