Recent Publications in Music

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Baker A.  2019.  The great music city : exploring music, space and identity /. :1volume:.
Bucuvalas T.  2019.  Greek music in America . :xii,467pages:.
Abromont C, Boisselier L.  2019.  Guide de l'analyse musicale . :457pages:.
Boukobza J-F.  2019.  György Ligeti. Études pour piano . :261Seiten:.
Burke A.  2019.  Hinterland remixed : media, memory, and the Canadian 1970s /. :xii,248pages:.
Cloonan M, Frith S, Brennan M, Webster E.  2019.  The history of live music in Britain : from Hyde Park to the Hacienda.. :1onlineresource..
Bobetko SMajer.  2019.  Hrvatska glazbena historiografija od početka 20. stoljeća do 1945. godine. Muzikološke studije. 20:287.
Gábriel S.  2019.  Hymnuale ecclesiae Zagrabiensis : Metropolitanska knjižnica Zagrebačke nadbiskupije, MR 21/ : Hagyománytisztelet és egyéni alakítás a zágrábi székesegyház 15. század eleji himnáriumában. Resonemus pariter : műhelytanulmányok a középkori zenetörténethez.
Basford J.  2019.  Index of Mirecourt luthiers 1896 . :28pages;.
Bullock DW.  2019.  The infamous Cherry Sisters : the worst act in vaudeville /. :vii,206pages;.
Banks J.  2019.  The instrumental consort repertory of the late fifteenth century . :1onlineresource..
Blum J.  2019.  Jethro Tull : on track : every album, every song /. :1volume:.
Annecharico M, Brown G, Fellani M.  2019.  Just thought you should know : a guidance for independent artists from an independent artist on how to 'make it' in the music industry /. :130pages:.
Wehn J, Bortot D.  2019.  Könnt ihr uns hören? : eine Oral History des deutschen Rap / :463pages,[16pagesofplates]:.
Brugarolas-Bonet O.  2019.  La música en el Diario de Barcelona, 1792-1850. Prensa, sociedad y cultura cotidiana a principios de la Edad Contemporánea. :356p..
Bergua-Cavero J.  2019.  La voz cantada. De la épica a los cantautores. :255p..
Bennett D, Rowley J, Schmidt PK.  2019.  Leadership and musician development in higher music education . :1onlineresource(xiv,220pages).
Rowley J, Bennett D, Schmidt PK.  2019.  Leadership of pedagogy and curriculum in higher music education . :xiv,202pages:.
Brooks KDechaun, Martin KL.  2019.  The Lemonade reader : Beyoncé, black feminism and spirituality /. :1onlineresource:.
Brooks KDechaun, Martin KL.  2019.  The Lemonade reader : Beyoncé, black feminism and spirituality /. :1volume:.
Baber KA.  2019.  Leonard Bernstein and the language of jazz . :x,268pages:.
Baber KA.  2019.  Leonard Bernstein and the language of jazz . :1onlineresource..
Burchell J.  2019.  The life and times of a choral society : Dunedin's City Choir, 1863-2013. :430pages.
Bejarano-Pellicer C.  2019.  Los Medina: Redes económicas y sociales en torno a una familia de músicos entre el Renacimiento y el Barroco. :318p..
Burford M.  2019.  Mahalia Jackson and the black gospel field . :xv,472pages:.
