Recent Publications in Music

974 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Bostridge I..  2011.  A singer's notebook . :viii,261p.;.
Carr C, Cartwright A, Chase D, Hammond N, Karath K, Menzies H, Turner D, Bronson F.  2011.  The sound of music family scrapbook. :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
Burke C.  2012.  100 drum heroes : the greatest drummers of all time interviewed & profiled /. :208pages:.
Bieber J.  2012.  100 % official Justin Bieber : just getting started.. :234p.:.
Burrows T.  2012.  The Beatles : it was 50 years ago today /. :131pages:.
Bowie D, Sukita M.  2012.  Bowie : speed of life, seimei no sokudo /. :312pages:.
Leach G, Graham-Jones I.  2012.  British composer profiles : a biographical dictionary of past British composers, 1800-2010 /. :viii,249pages:.
Walker L.  2012.  Britten in pictures . :xxii,266pages:.
Buskin R.  2012.  Classic tracks : the real stories behind 68 seminal recordings /. :419pages:.
Burrows J, Wiffen C..  2012.  The complete classical music guide . :352pages:.
Balmer P..  2012.  Drum-kit manual : how to buy, maintain and improve your drum-kit /. :201p.:.
Butler MJ.  2012.  Electronica, dance and club music . :xxxii,536p.:.
Balmer P..  2012.  Fender Stratocaster manual : how to buy, maintain and set up the world's most popular electric guitar /. :199p.:.
Boullier N.  2012.  Handed down : country fiddling and dancing in east and central Down /. :xv,525pages:.
Byrne D.  2012.  How music works . :345p.:.
Burney S, Olleson P..  2012.  The journals and letters of Susan Burney : music and society in late eighteenth-century England /. :xxi,334p.:.
Buckley D, Forrest N..  2012.  Kraftwerk : publikation : a biography /. :xix,299p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
Burns R.  2012.  Love songs . :16unnumberedpages:.
Bannan N..  2012.  Music, language, and human evolution . :xii,345p.:.
Bade P..  2012.  Music wars 1937-1945 . :vii,433p.,xvip.ofplates:.
Burnard P..  2012.  Musical creativities in practice . :xv,308p.:.
Barchester Nordoff Robbins Initiative., Barchester (Firm), Nordoff Robbins (Charity).  2012.  Musicality. . :[18]p.:.
Barchester Nordoff Robbins Initiative., Barchester (Firm), Nordoff Robbins (Charity).  2012.  Musicality. . :[18]p.:.
Braggins S..  2012.  The mystery behind the voice : a biography of Alfred Wolfsohn /. :xii,201p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
Messiaen O, Broad S..  2012.  Olivier Messiaen : journalism 1935-1939 /. :xiii,169p.:.
