Recent Publications in Music

6795 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Filterkriterien: Memory-and-history-argentine-popular-music-0 gleich   [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Race H..  2016.  Road series..
Eriksson G, Ejeby B.  2016.  Röster och ekon : Gunnar Eriksson med egna ord.
Williams K.  2016.  Rufus Wainwright. :x,129pages:.
Thompson R.  2016.  Ryūgaku hyakkō : Ryūkyū koten ongaku Nomura-ryū kunkunshī hyakusen : gakufu to kaisetsu = Ryūgaku hyakkō : anthology of pieces from the Nomura School of Ryūkyūan classical music, notation and analysis /. :307pages:.
Jacobshagen A, Schmierer E.  2016.  Sachlexikon des Musiktheaters . :669pages:.
Baranyi A.  2016.  A Sasvári zongoraterem műhelye : kiállítási katalógus . :16p..
Gustafson K.  2016.  Schlagerkungens krig : Abba och Hoola Bandoola på Stikkan Andersons slagfält : en musikhistoria.
Álvaro-Ocáriz JAndrés.  2016.  Sebastián Iradier: si a tu ventana llega una paloma.. :141p.
Shibata M..  2016.  Shibata minao ongakukai no techō . :397pages;.
Jones BO.  2016.  The shock of recognition : the books and music that have inspired me /. :xiv,412pages;24cm..
Myler T.  2016.  Showtime at the Royal : the story of Dublin's legendary theatre . :xiii,274pages.
Cave N.  2016.  The sick bag song. :117pages;.
Karczag M, Simándi K, Wellmann N.  2016.  Simándy József arcai . Az operaház örökös tagjai. :53p..
Norton K.  2016.  Singing and wellbeing : ancient wisdom, modern proof /. :xxiv,202pages:.
Biancorosso G.  2016.  Situated listening : the sound of absorption in classical cinema /. :xi,246pages:.
Alwakeel R.  2016.  Smile if you dare: pointy hats and politics with the pet shop boys, 1993-1994. :ii,165pages(largeprint):illustrations;24cm..
Brendel A., Milán JLuis.  2016.  Sobre la música : Ensayos completos y conferencias con numerosos ejemplos musicales e ilustraciones /. 338:535p.:il.;21cm..
Fitzgerald M.  2016.  The songs of Frederick May (1911-85). :xvi,110pages+1audiodisc.
Hope C, Trainer A, Studham S.  2016.  Sound scripts. [proceedings of the 2015 Totally Huge New Music Festival Conference] /. :111pages:.
Pávai I.  2016.  A Sóvidék népzenéje . :256p.+1DVD-Rom.
Frolova-Walker M.  2016.  Stalin's music prize : Soviet culture and politics /. :xi,369pages:.
Niemi P.  2016.  Sticking it out : from Juilliard to the orchestra pit, a percussionist's memoir /. :1onlineresource.
Holmgren O.  2016.  Stickspår : åtta skäl varför Bob Dylan borde tilldelas Nobelpriset i litteratur.
Speck C.  2016.  The string quartet: from the private to the public sphere. :xxx,388pages:illustrations,music.
O'Connor D.  2016.  Stripping : an incomplete autobiography /. :361pages:illustrations,portraits;21cm..
