Recent Publications in Music
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Luan ge feng wu: Gu dai da qu li shi yu yi shu = 鸾歌凤舞: 古代大曲历史与艺术. Zhong hua jing shen jia yuan, Ge wu gong yu = 中华精神家园,歌舞共娱. :164.
2015. Maácz. :444p..
2015. Made in Brazil : studies in popular music /. :xiii,249pages:illustrations,maps,music;26cm..
2015. Magical musical tour : rock and pop in film soundtracks /. :vii,207pages;.
2015. Magister Jacobus de Ispania, author of the Speculum musicae . :xvi,211pages:illustrations,music;25cm..
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2015. A magyar honvéd énekeskönyve. :165p..
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2015. Mahler, a scherzo és a "kísérteties". . Musica scientia. :251p..
2015. Making diaspora in a global city : South Asian youth cultures in London /. 10:136pages;24cm..
2015. .
2015. Manuscripts and medieval song : inscription, performance, context . Music in context. :xxi,324pages:illustrations,music;26cm..
2015. The mathematics of music and Raven Temperament : microtonal music theory and two new alternative tunings . :63pages.
2015. Max Reger : Werk statt Leben : Biographie /. :542pages:.
2015. .
2015. Melopoiēmenē poiēsē: enas amphilegomenos gamos = Μελοποιημένη Ποίηση: ένας αμφιλεγόμενος γάμος. :215p..
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2015. Min jian yin yue = 民间音乐 . Fei wu zhi wen hua yi chan yan jiu cong shu = 非物质文化遗产研究丛书. :283.
2015. Ming qing yi lai jiang xi dao jiao yu di fang yin yue wen hua yan jiu = 明清以来江西道教与地方音乐文化研究: 以宜春、南昌、鹰潭为中心 . Zhi shi chuan cheng yu chuang xin wen ku = 知识传承与创新文库. :237.
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