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Amnesty International United Kingdom..  2012.  The power of our voices : protest songs, human rights and the lyrics of social change.. :12pages:.
Amo I-A.  2016.  Party & borroka : jóvenes, música(s) y conflicto(s) en Euskal Herria /. :383p.;19cm..
Amoros LGimenez, Vambe MTaonezvi.  2018.  Performing Zimbabwe : A Transdisciplinary Study of Zimbabwean Music. Thinking Africa. :xviii,343.
Ampene K.  2020.  Asante court music and verbal arts in Ghana : the porcupine and the gold stool /. :1volume:.
Amundson MA.  2017.  Talking machine west: a history and catalogue of Tin Pan Alleys western recordings, 1902-1918. :viii,200pages:illustrations;29cm..
Anastasi A.  2022.  Protomusic : the role of prosodic modulation in the emergence of language /. :xxiv,161pages;.
Anatone R.  2022.  The music of Nobuo Uematsu in the Final fantasy series . :1onlineresource:.
Anatone R.  2022.  The music of Nobuo Uematsu in the Final fantasy series . :xvii,353pages:.
Andersen MPaarup.  2020.  Dansk rap . :1onlineresource..
Andersen CP.  2012.  Mick : the wild life and mad genius of Jagger /. :xiv,364p.,[24]p.ofplates:.
Anderson J.  2012.  We sang better . :2volumes:.
Anderson A.  2021.  Music, sound and vibration in special education : how to enrich your specialist setting /. :1onlineresource(xv,168pages):.
Anderson J, Dingle CPhilip.  2020.  Julian Anderson : dialogues on culture, composing and listening /. :1volume:.
Anderson C.  2022.  Karl Straube (1873-1950) : Germany's master organist in turbulent times /. :x,558pages:.
Anderson MAlan.  2022.  Music and performance in the Book of hours . :xiv,232pages:.
Andersson I.  2017.  Franz Berwald . :302Seiten:.
Andersson M.  2015.  Bland tonboxar, tamburiner, elgitarrer och läroplaner.
Andersson Pdirigent.  2020.  Musik, mening och värde : filosofiska perspektiv på en värld av eget slag.
Anderton A.  2019.  Rubble music : occupying the ruins of postwar Berlin, 1945-1950 /. :x,183pages:.
Anderton C., Dubber A., James M.  2013.  Understanding the music industries . :xi,236pages;.
Anderton B..  2011.  The final score . :viii,230p.:.
Anderton C.  2020.  Music festivals in the UK : beyond the carnivalesque /. :1volume;.
Anderton C, Pisfil S.  2021.  Researching live music : gigs, tours, concerts and festivals /. :1onlineresource:.
Anderton C, James M.  2021.  Media narratives in popular music . :1onlineresource.
András KL.  2020.  A magyar zene évezredei : magyar vonatkozású hang- és zenetörténet avagy a magyar zene regénye 1. kv., A kezdetektől Attiláig (453-ig) . :390.
