Recent Publications in Music
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Litpop : writing and popular music /. :xiv,243pages;.
2014. The Pete Seeger reader . :xv,268pages;:.
2014. The Pete Seeger reader . :xv,268pages;:.
2014. Post-War French popular music : cultural identity and the Brel-Brassens-Ferré myth /. :179pages;24cm..
2014. Pro tools 11 : music production, recording, editing, and mixing /. :xi,500pages:illustrations;.
2014. Rumours of glory : a memoir /. :1onlineresource.
2014. .
2014. Antal Doráti and his recorded legacy . :398pages,16pagesofplates:.
2013. Beethoven : an extraordinary life /. :vi,170pages:.
2013. Beka-Lindstrom records in the United Kingdom . no. 11:24pages;.
2013. British cylinder manufacturers . no. 23:21pages:.
2013. British cylinder manufacturers . no. 23:21pages:.
2013. Caledoniana 2 : more music from Scotland from phonograph and gramophone records given for the CLPGS, 2008 /. no. 5:18pages:.
2013. Caledoniana 2 : more music from Scotland from phonograph and gramophone records given for the CLPGS, 2008 /. no. 5:18pages:.
2013. Caledoniana : a concert of Scottish music from phonograph cylinders given for the CLPGS, 2007 /. no. 4:29pages:.
2013. Caledoniana : a concert of Scottish music from phonograph cylinders given for the CLPGS, 2007 /. no. 4:29pages:.
2013. Clandestino : in search of Manu Chao /. :352pages:.
2013. COS news. . :v.:.
2013. Creating musical theatre : conversations with Broadway directors and choreographers /. :ix,283pages:.
2013. David Bowie black book : the illustrated biography /. :160pages:.
2013. .
2013. The divine ones . no. 10:29pages:.
2013. .
2013. Electronic music . :xi,227pages:.
2013. Elvis and Ireland. :240pages.