Recent Publications in Music
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Enrique Granados : poeta del piano. :269p..
2016. Escribir sobre música. 1:221pages;.
2016. Etnomusicología. 2:308pages..
2016. Éva Gauthier : la voix de l'audace /. :266pages:.
2016. Forever words : the unknown poems /. :132pages:.
2016. Forever words : the unknown poems /. :132pages:.
2016. The forgotten songs of the Newfoundland outports : as taken from Kenneth Peacock's Newfoundland field collection, 1951-1961 /. 87:xxii,434pages:.
2016. .
2016. .
2016. .
2016. John Lewis and the challenge of "real" black music. :x,241pages:.
2016. .
2016. Just vibrations : the purpose of sounding good /. :xix,160pages:.
2016. .
2016. La musique hispano-arabe, Al-Ala. :326pages:.
2016. La verdad : an international dialogue on hip hop Latinidades /. :xiv,317pages;.
2016. Las neuronas encantadas : el cerebro y la música /. :223p.:ill.;22cm.
2016. .
2016. Megszólal a néma pálca : beszélgetések Medveczky Ádámmal. Az operaház örökös tagjai. :133p..
2016. Mozart en España : estudios y recepción musical /. 3:292pages:.
2016. Music in time : phenomenology, perception, performance /. 24:x,341pages:.
2016. My beloved man : the letters of Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears /. volume 10:xx,452pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2016. Nespatříte hada : Josef Čapek, František Hrubín, Jan Skácel, Miloslav Kabeláč /. :155pages:.
2016. Nespatříte hada : Josef Čapek, František Hrubín, Jan Skácel, Miloslav Kabeláč /. :155pages:.
2016. Pilar Lorengar : una aragonesa de Berlín /. :192pages;.