Recent Publications in Music
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2022. .
2022. .
Careers in music libraries IV . v. 39:x,408pages:.
2022. Careers in music libraries IV . v. 39:x,408pages:.
2022. Careers in music libraries IV . v. 39:x,408pages:.
2022. Careers in music libraries IV . v. 39:x,408pages:.
2022. The cultural and artistic legacy of Oliver Mtukudzi : using language for social justice /. :1onlineresource(277pages).
2022. The cultural and artistic legacy of Oliver Mtukudzi : using language for social justice /. :1onlineresource(277pages).
2022. The destruction and creation of Michael Jackson . :1onlineresource(viii,376pages):.
2022. Dilla time : the life and afterlife of J Dilla, the hip-hop producer who reinvented rhythm /. :xvi,458pages:.
2022. Drumsville! : the evolution of the New Orleans beat /. :x,227pages:.
2022. Eighteenth-Century Theatre Capitals . :1onlineresource(466p.).
2022. Emil von Sauer : Liszt's forgotten protégé /. :408pages:.
2022. Eurasian musical journeys : five tales /. :98pages:.
2022. Eurasian musical journeys : five tales /. :98pages:.
2022. Female-voice song and women's musical agency in the middle ages . volume 5:1onlineresource..
2022. Fight the power : law and policy through hip-hop songs /. :xi,324pages:.
2022. Folk music : a Bob Dylan biography in seven songs /. :273pages:.
2022. Functorial semiotics for creativity in music and mathematics . :1onlineresource(1volume):.
2022. Glazba i iskustvo povijesti = Music and Historical Experience : svečani zbornik za Sanju Majer-Bobetko. Muzikološki zbornici = Musicological proceedings . :598.
2022. Hangszálak. :216.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. A history of the Rutgers University Glee Club . :x,311pages:.