Recent Publications in Music
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2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
Rock music styles : a history /. :xv,331pages:.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Scratch music . :1volume:.
2020. The screen music of Trevor Jones : technology, process, production /. :1onlineresource..
2020. Singing bones : ancestral creativity and collaboration /. :1onlineresource.
2020. Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. #Sounds of Our Town : the Detroit edition /. :46pages:.
2020. #Sounds of Our Town : the Wollongong edition /. :vi,59pages:.
2020. .
2020. Speechsong : the Gould/Schoenberg dialogues /. :148pages;.
2020. Stranger than kindness . :1onlineresource:.
2020. The Szymanowski companion . :1volume;.
2020. Teresa Catalán. Kaierak Bilduma-Basque Composers of the 21st century. :157p..
2020. That British sound! : how British recording consoles changed pop music /. :1onlineresource.
2020. .
2020. Topp : promoter Gary Topp brought us the world /. :1volume:.
2020. A touch of fire : Marie-André Duplessis, the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec, and the writing of New France /. 1:1onlineresource(x,370pages):.
2020. Voci di Sicilia Eine Reise mit Etta Scollo. :240Seitenin1Teil.
2020. The wandering civil servant of Stradivarius . :1volume.