Recent Publications in Music

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Wald E.  2024.  Jelly Roll blues : censored songs & hidden histories /. :xvi,336pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Windleburn M.  2024.  John Zorn's file card works : hypertextual intermediality in composition and analysis /. :x,140pages:.
Stauffer GB.  2024.  J.S. Bach : the organ works /. :xx,628pages:.
Säverman O.  2024.  Jules Sylvain : en inte fullt så enkel tulipan : schlagerbögen i folkhemmet.
Sundelin A.  2024.  Kjell Höglund och hans värld.
Pontara T, Bergman \AA.  2024.  Klassisk musik i det moderna mediesamhället : konstruktioner, föreställningar, förhandlingar.
Bollen A.  2024.  Labelled with love : a history of the world in your record collection /. :320pages;.
Walzer D.  2024.  Leadership in music technology education : philosophy, praxis, and pedagogy /. :ix,198pages:.
Gebrian M.  2024.  Learn faster, perform better : a musician's guide to the neuroscience of practicing /. :xvi,255pages:.
Bertels K., Honnold A..  2024.  The legacy of Elise Hall : contemporary perspectives on gender and the saxophone /. :190pages:.
Bertels K., Honnold A..  2024.  Legacy of Elise Hall : Contemporary Perspectives on Gender and the Saxophone. . :180p..
Cott J.  2024.  Let me take you down : Penny Lane and Strawberry fields forever /. :153pages:.
Larsson AHiroui.  2024.  Lethe On Forgetfulness as a Guiding Principle in Artistic Processes.
Rucker D, Eisenstock A.  2024.  Life's too short : a memoir /. :242pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Suárez-Pajares J, Clark WAaron, Webber JLloyd, Orringer NR.  2024.  A light in the darkness : the music and life of Joaquín Rodrigo /. :xvii,491pages:.
Puyané NJF.  2024.  Liszt recomposed : exploring intertextual fluidity in song /. :ix,226pages:.
Duarte A, Sardo S.  2024.  Live looping in musical performance : lusophone experiences in dialogue /. :xii,178pages:.
Georgii-Hemming E, Moberg N.  2024.  Makt : när musik och människor möts.
Mats K.  2024.  Människorna, musiken och de mekaniska musikinstrumenten i Norge cirka 1480-1890.
Stein LK.  2024.  The marqués, the divas, and the castrati : Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán and opera in the early modern Spanish orbit /. :xxiv,760pages:.
Borghetti V, Hatzikiriakos AMaria.  2024.  The media of secular music in the medieval and early modern period (1100-1650) . :xvi,319pages:.
Ardoris I, Storm K, Sällfors H, Hellgren K, Unest\aahl L-E.  2024.  Mental styrka för musikartister.
Brennan I, Glennie E, Delli M.  2024.  Missing music : voices from where the dirt roads end /. :xv,144pages:.
Carter T.  2024.  Monteverdi's voices : a poetics of the Madrigal /. :xiii,250pages:.
Lindal JLarson.  2024.  The movement of a musical work : Ernst Krenek’s Opus 20 in the interwar years.
