The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

Katowice in Poland has been declared a City of Music by UNESCO!

Following the decision of UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, Katowice has been designated a UNESCO Creative City of Music. The title is awarded by UNESCO and is an honor. Membership in this prestigious Creative Cities Network allows, among other things, cooperation between cities in organizing joint ventures or plans for long-term urban development strategies in a particular field of art.

Frischgebackener Ruheständler / Now retired: Jürg Obrecht, Tonhalle Zürich

Zum Endes des vergangenen Jahres ist unser IAML-Kollege Jürg Obrecht, Orchesterbibliothekar der Tonhalle Zürich, in den Ruhestand getreten. Ich bin Jürg zum erstenmal im Jahr 2000 bei der IAML Conference in Edinburgh begegnet. Anschließend schickte er mir Informationsmaterial über die MOLA, und so ist er über all die Jahre in meiner Erinnerung geblieben, als fach- und sachkundiger Kollege und unermüdlicher Botschafter der MOLA in Europa (MOLA ambassador to Europe).

Nominations invited for President-Elect and Vice Presidents

The next election for President-Elect and four Vice Presidents of the association will take place in 2016. Any member of IAML may nominate one or more candidates for these positions. IAML particularly welcomes nominations that reflect the association's diversity.

All nominations must be received by the Secretary General by 1st March 2016 together with a note of assent by the nominee. The names of all nominees will be published on this site by 1st April 2016.


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