Music brings people together, and IAML membership supports our aim to make music internationally accessible through acquisition and lending, preservation and digitization, cataloguing and bibliography, and documentation and research. Moreover, most music librarians and archivists serve as educators, opening up the vast world of information and repertoire during their daily interactions with students, faculty members, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work internationally on multiple fronts to promote and protect musical heritage among diverse cultures, because the importance of music in the lives of the world's peoples is something we truly cherish.

Obituary: Leslie Troutman

It is with great sadness that I pass along the news that Leslie Troutman died at home early on Sunday, 18 May 2003, after a year-long struggle with cancer. A memorial ceremony will be held on Friday, 23 May, in Urbana.

New editor needed for Fontes Artis Musicae!

A new editor for Fontes is sought to take over in the summer 2005.

The person appointed must be interested in promoting new ideas and encouraging free expression, while at the same time building on the past and present strengths of the Association and reflecting the views of members in varied types of music libraries and archives. He or she should be prepared to attend the annual conferences regularly.

Obituary: Lenore Coral

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Lenore Coral. The following is a selection of obituaries, which highlights the wide range of her achievements, in addition to those pertaining to IAML.

More Fontes vacancies

You will have seen the recent advertisements for a new editor for Fontes, and I hope that some of you have felt moved to apply. If you are daunted by taking on that role, however, you may feel more comfortable filling one of the other vacancies that are available, as follows:

Elections 2005

Would you like the opportunity to become more actively involved in IAML? Elections for officers of Professional Branches and Subject Commissions will take place at the meeting in Warsaw this year.


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