The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin: Eröffnung der neuen Lesesäle Unter den Linden

Am Dienstag, 19. März, um 11 Uhr werden im Beisein des Vizepräsidenten des Deutschen Bundestages, Wolfgang Thierse, die großzügigen und modernen Lesesäle mit einem Festakt eröffnet, zwei Tage später, am 21. März ab 9 Uhr, begrüßt Generaldirektorin Barbara Schneider-Kempf die ersten Benutzer.

UK & Ireland Branch 60th anniversary

Like Sweden, the UK & Ireland Branch (UK Branch until 2002) is 60 years old this year.  The celebrations begin at the Annual Study Weekend (ASW) in Leeds on 5th April.  A reception will be held and a history of the Branch and ASW will be presented by Susi Woodhouse who was Branch President from 2001 to 2004.

A celebratory event will be held at the British Library in London on the 21st of October.

The Swedish IAML Branch is celebrating its 60:th anniversary

The Swedish IAML Branch is celebrating its 60:th anniversary this year by arranging a conference 18-19 April in Stockholm. "Svenska musikbiblioteksföreningen" (SMBF) is one of the oldest national branches within IAML. The first Swedish IAML President, Folke Lindberg, was appointed already in 1959. Two more Swedes have more recently held the position, namely Anders Lönn and Veslemöy Heintz.


Please, find below an invitation to nominate projects or programes for the IMC MUSICAL RIGHTS AWARDS.

IAML nominated The National Youth Orchestra of Iraq as a contender for the 2011 International Music Council Musical Rights Award 2011. The programme received a "Special Commendation".

"Dear IMC Members,


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