Czech Republic / Česká republika

Česká národní skupina IAML
Česká národní skupina Mezináridního Sdružení Hudebních Knihoven, Archivů a Dokumentačních Středisek

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The origins of the Czech National Branch of IAML date back to 1971, when it was established as the Czechoslovak IAML Group. However, direct, immediate cooperation with IAML goes back further, to 1956, when mutually effective—and for us, directly representative—international cooperation in the field of one of the most important IAML inventory projects, namely RISM, started and then successfully developed. Here we belong to the contributors for more than half a century. This was followed relatively early, in the second half of the 1960s, by cooperation with another inventory project – RILM.

The international annual congress of IAML, held in August 1991 in Prague for the first time, became an important stimulus for further development of both Czech cooperation with the IAML and professional activities of this kind in the Czech Republic. In 2022, the IAML International Congress was held again in Prague, after two years of postponements caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The second IAML Congress took place in the Municipal and National Library in Prague and was attended by 320 visitors.

The Czech national branch has 14 international institutional members and 13 national members (12 institutional and 1 individual).

Our involvement in international IAML activities:

Vice-president of IAML: Blanka Červinková (1992–1994)
Chair of the Public Libraries section: Blanka Červinková; currently Blanka Ellederová (2017–)
Member of RISM Coordinating Committee: Zuzana Petrášková (2017–2023), Eliška Šedivá (2023–)
RISM national coordinator:  Jitřenka Pešková; currently Zuzana Petrášková (1989–)
RILM national coordinator: Jan Kouba, Marta Ottlová; currently Pavel Kordík (2000–)
RIdIM national coordinator: Eva Paulová

Chairs of the Czech National Branch:

Vladimír Dvořák (University Library, Bratislava) 1971–1981
Julius Hůlek (National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague) 1981–1992
Blanka Červinková (Municipal Library, Prague) 1992–1993
Julius Hůlek (National Library of the Czech Republic) 1993–1999
Zuzana Petrášková (National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague) 1999–2005
Jana Navrátilová (National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague) 2005–2011
Zoja Seyčková (Bohuslav Martinů Institute, Prague) 2011–2022
Blanka Ellederová (Municipal Library, Prague) 2022–

Board members:

President: Blanka Ellederová (Hudební úsek Městské knihovny v Praze)
Vice Presidents: Zoja Seyčková (Institut Bohuslava Martinů, Praha)
  Jitka Málková (Knihovna Jiřího Mahena v Brně)
Secretary: Ludmila Šmídová (Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha)
Treasurer: Jana Blažíková (Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha)
Other Board Members: Irena Veselá (Moravská zemská knihovna)
Past President: Zuzana Petrášková (Národní knihovna České republiky, Praha)
This page was updated on: 
14 Jun 2023


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