IAML is delighted to announce the establishment of the H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Fund for IAML Congress Travel.
This is the second fund established by The Cohen Family Charitable Fund to support travel to IAML congresses for librarians attending their first or second congress. The new fund complements the Liesbeth Hoedemaeker-Cohen Fund for IAML Congress Travel, established in 2017.
Awards from these two funds will encourage membership and engagement in IAML, especially among early career librarians, with the hope that they will remain involved and make a lasting and fresh contribution to our Association—a truly wonderful thing for IAML and, it is hoped, for the careers of the award winners.
The criteria for receiving an award from the H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Fund for IAML Congress Travel is similar to that of the Liesbeth Hoedemaeker-Cohen Fund with one difference: everything else being equal, the H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Fund gives some preference to those dealing with the musical press, digitization, or databases. For the complete criteria and application information, click here.
Both Funds will be supported in perpetuity by an endowment provided by The Cohen Family Charitable Fund. This ensures that awards from both Funds will be offered every year for as long as IAML exits. IAML whole-heartedly thanks the Cohen family for their thoughtful generosity and support of IAML.
H. Robert Cohen and Stanisław Hrabia, President of IAML, signing the agreement
establishing the new Fund and the endowment. IAML Congress, Krakow, 14 July 2019.
At the request of Robert, please do not share this on social media.
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