The Secretary General represents IAML at European Forum on Music

IAML Secretary General, Pia Shekhter, represented IAML at the European Forum on Music, 7-10 June, in Oslo. The theme of the conference was "Looking Back - Looking Forward. The Future of Europe's Musical Roots". She seized the opportunity to declare to the Forum that "Music libraries, archives and documentation centres play an indispensable role when it comes to secure "the future of Europe’s musical roots". In fact, this is the very essence of what we do." She is convinced that IAML has an important role to play within EMC and IMC, as it is the only organization that can offer expertise in our field and EMC/IMC are emphasizing the importance of diversity. IAML, on the other hand, can benefit greatly from a closer collaboration, not least when it comes to help with visibility and advocacy.

Ian Smith, UK, President of the European Music Council  Market place during the European Forum in Music, Oslo

At left: Ian Smith, UK, President of the European Music Council;
At right: Pia Shekhter at the market place during the European Forum in Music, Oslo;&
images courtesy of Pia Shekhter

IAML is a member of IMC (International Music Council). EMC (European Music Council) is one of the four Regional Councils within IMC: Africa, Americas, Asia-Ocenania and Europe.

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