- Following up on the vote at Council in Vienna to change IAML from a three-tiered structure (General Assembly, Council, and Board) to a two-tiered structure (General Assembly and Board), the committee drafting a revision of IAML's Constitution and Rules of Procedure has completed its work on time. The drafts and related texts are currently being translated into French and German and will be shared with the membership next week. According to IAML's current Constitution, any proposed changes "must reach the Secretary General not later than six months before the meeting of the General Assembly" at which a vote will be taken, which means that no further changes can be proposed or made before that vote – though, of course, a lively discussion of the drafts is most welcome. These new texts have the unanimous support of the committee that drafted them, and also of the Board.
The IAML annual conference in Antwerp is approaching quickly now, and registration is open. At the IAML Board meeting last month we heard many details about the conference: The programme looks excellent and the setting beautiful. It will doubtless be an exciting and valuable week, and I hope to see many of you there. Be sure to visit the conference website for more information and registration: http://www.
libraryconservatoryantwerp.be/ .iaml2014/index.php
Fontes artes musicae is now available on JSTOR! Further details will be forthcoming shortly.
And speaking of Fontes, as previously announced, our ever-diligent Editor Maureen Buja will be stepping down at the end of 2015. A notice seeking applications for a new editor, along with a job description, is coming to IAML-L soon.
Pam Thompson, a past President of IAML, has agreed to chair the newly forming IAML Advocacy Committee. More information about this committee and about how to participate in its activities will be sent in a separate email.
- A newly designed IAML website is coming in the next few months. In the meantime, you will have noticed significantly increased activity on the website (including IAML News Editions and much more), Facebook page (now with 176 "likes"), and Twitter feed (now with 168 "followers"). Thanks to all who are contributing news items, comments, and other postings. If you haven't joined in, I recommend it. The IAML website is IAML.info, the Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/
iamlaibm , and the Twitter handle is @IAML_AIBM.
- The IAML Board gathered for its mid-year two-day meeting in March in Brussels. It was a packed agenda--we met the first day from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, and the second day from 9:00am to 6:00pm--and we accomplished a lot. Topics included finances, national branches, subject commissions, professional branches, committees, working groups, the revision of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure, upcoming conferences, IAML publications and social media, and much more.
- I was delighted to be able to participate in the first Conference of the Regional Association for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Musicological Society last month, hosted by Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba. There were no less than three sessions focused on the R projects, and I had the opportunity to talk about IAML several times, including at the business meeting, and to encourage participation in Latin America. It was a fascinating event, about which more news will be forthcoming.
- A summary of last Fall's survey regarding IAML and its activities was posted on IAML-L and on the IAML website. If you missed it, here is the link: iaml-membership-survey-glance
Stay tuned for more details on the above and other news, coming soon to IAML-L, the website, Facebook, and Twitter.
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie,
IAML President
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