
Terms of reference

The Publications Committee is responsible for overseeing all IAML publications and channels of communication, both in print and online. These include Fontes artis musicae, Recent Publications in Music, the IAML website and social media. The Committee is made up of a IAML Vice President as Chair, the Editor of Fontes artis musicae, the Webmaster, the Web Editor, the Assistant Web Editor, the Ad Manager and the Editor of Recent Publications in Music. The President, Treasurer and Secretary General are ex officio members.

The Publications Committee oversees the Publications Awards Subcommittee.



Stefan Engl (Austria), chair (2023-2026)

James P. Cassaro (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Fontes

Richard Ranft (Latvia), Webmaster

Jennifer Ward (Germany), Web editor

Stephanie Bonjack (USA) Advertising manager

Rupert Ridgewell (UK), ex officio President

Kimmy Szeto (USA), ex officio Treasurer

Anders Cato (Denmark), ex officio Secretary General

Joseph Hafner (Canada), editor of RPiM and Official Guest Member, Chair, IAML Publications Awards Subcommittee

Antony Gordon (UK), Email administrator

Past officers: 

2019 - 2023:
Chair: Jane Gottlieb, USA

2014 - 2019:
Chair: Joseph Hafner, Canada

2009 - 2014:
Chair: Jutta Lambrecht, Germany


English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish