An invitation from RISM!

Internationaler Kongreß

"Wissenschaftliche und technische Herausforderung der musikhistorischen Quellenforschung im internationalen Rahmen"

zum 50-jährigen Bestehen des RISM

 vom 6. - 9. März 2002

Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt am Main


"Porträts von RISM Arbeitsstellen in verschiedenen Ländern"
"Beschreibung von Quellenrepertoires in Osteuropa"
"Arbeitsmethoden und Problematiken der Quellenarbeit"
"Quellenerschließung und musikwissenschaftliche Forschungen"
"Alte Musikquellen und neue Medien - kein

"Scientific and Technological Challenges of Musicological Source Research at International Level"

at the 50th Anniversary of RISM

from March 6th - 9th, 2002

 Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Frankfurt on the Main

 Programme Highlights:

"Portraits of RISM Teams in Various Countries"

"Descriptions of the Source Repertory in Eastern Europe"

"Working Methods and Problems of Source Work"

"Indexing Sources and Musicological Research"

"Historical Music Sources and New Media - No Contradiction"


"Rediscovered from old sources" 

A detailed programm will appear in the Internet at the end of 2001:

Enrolment: at RISM Zentralredaktion

Congress fee: none

 In cooperation with:

the Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Frankfurt and the

Musicological Institute at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt

Sponsored by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn (DFG)