Berkeley, California August 4-9 2002


Unless otherwise stated the sessions are open to all members

Any changes in programming will be posted on the conference notice board. Please note that there are no RISM sessions this year.

SATURDAY August 3 2002

10:00 - 13:00 Board (members only).

12:00 –17:00 Registration

14:00 - 18:00 Board (members only).


SUNDAY August 4 2002

09:00 - 17:00 Registration.

09:30 - 12:00 Council 1st session. Observers are cordially invited to attend.

Please note earlier start time. This year we will include National Branch Reports in the Sunday Council meeting. Reports from R-Projects and Working Groups will be presented at the Closing Session.

14:00 - 16:00 Council 1st session. Observers are cordially invited to attend.

16:30 - 17:00 Special introductory session for newcomers.
Room 204

18:00 Opening session.
Doe Library


MONDAY August 5 2002

09:15 - 10:45 Digital Library Stores. MusicAustralia: a digital strategy for music. Speaker: Robyn  Holmes (National Library of Australia, Canberra). The art of touching the keyboard: digital resources for music scholars. Speaker: Catherine Owen (Performing Data Service, Glasgow). Preservation of digital resources. Speaker: Antony Gordon (British Library National Sound Archive, London). Elections. Presented by the Audio-Visual Commission. Chair: Antony Gordon (British Library National Sound Archive, London).   Theatre

International copyright issues: harmony or counterpoint? Copyright issues in digital music distribution.  Speaker:  James Kendrick, Esq. (Brown Raysman Millstein Felder & Steiner LLP and European American Music Distributors LLC). Speaker: Marybeth Peters (Register of Copyrights, U.S. Copyright Office, Washington, DC). Added voices: libraries and library associations. Speaker: Bonna Boettcher (Chair, Legislation Committee, Music Library Association). Presented by the Copyright Committee. Chair: Anne Le Lay (Bibliothèque du CNR, Boulogne Billancourt).   Room 104

Working Group on the Registration of Music Archives. Working meeting. Chair:David Day (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT). Room 204

10.45-11.45 Inventory of the contents of Collected Editions, Historical Series & Sets & Monuments of Music: A Bibliography. This informal demonstration will introduce users to the prototype of the on-line analytical index to Collected Editions. The current version of the index contains ca. 135,000 records which provide access to the citations in Collected Editions, Historical Series & Sets & Monuments of Music: A Bibliography by George R. Hill and Norris L. Stephens (Berkeley, Calif.: Fallen Leaf Press, c1997). Presented by: George R. Hill (Baruch College, City University, New York, NY and Elizabeth Davis (Columbia University, New York, NY). Room 204

11:15 - 12:45 Project to translate AACR2 into German. Speakers: Almut Boehme (National    Library of  Scotland, Edinburgh) and Charles R. Croissant (Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO). The conversion of FINMARC to MARC 21: implementation of the Voyager Endeavor system. Speaker: Maaria Harviaien (Sibelius- Academy Library, Helsinki). Elections. Presented by the Cataloguing Commission. (Chair, Anders Cato (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm). Room 104  

Music at the "other" New York Public Library. Speaker: Joseph M. Boonin (New York Public Library, New York). Collections and services in transition. Speaker: Sheila Knutsen (Seattle Public Library, Seattle). Music in small and medium sized public libraries in America. Speaker: Richard LeSueur (Ann Arbor District Library, Ann Arbor, MI). Elections. Presented by the Public Libraries Branch. Chair: Kirsten Voss Eliasson (Smørum).  Room 204

Libraries in music teaching institutions in the United States. Speakers: Jane Gottlieb (The Juilliard School, New York, NY), Deborah Campana (Oberlin College, Oberlin OH), Dan Zager (Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY), Kevin McLaughlin (California Institute of the Arts).  Presented by the Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch. Chair: Federica Riva (Conservatorio de musica "A. Boito", Parma).  Theatre

13.00 RILM Technical Advisory Committee.  Lunch.

14:15 - 15:45 Plenary session. Disciplining American Music: Issues Affecting Scholars,   teachers, and Librarians (Part I). Can 'American music studies' develop a method? Speaker: Dale Cockrell (Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN). Mainstreaming American musical multiculturalism. Speaker: Anne K. Rasmussen (College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA). The pot liquor principle: theory, method and essence in black music studies. Speaker: Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA).  Chair: Mary Wallace Davidson (Indiana University, Bloomington IN).  Theatre

16:15 - 17:45 Plenary session. Disciplining American Music: Issues Affecting Scholars,   teachers, and Librarians (Part II). No More Monuments:  Some Post-Canonic Reflections on Music(s) Collection(s). Speaker: Robert W. Fink (University of California at Los Angeles CA). The challenge of supporting popular music research and instruction. Speaker: Gordon Theil (University of California at Los Angeles CA). Music in the library of tomorrow. Speaker: Diane Parr Walker (University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA). Chair: Mary Wallace Davidson (Indiana University, Bloomington IN).  Theatre


TUESDAY August 6 2002

09:15 - 10:45  Exchange of data: conclusions of the circulated questionnaire. Discussion.Branch elections. Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. Chair: Kauko Karjalainen (Yleisradio, Helsinki).     Room 104  

Education for music librarians: Italy, the USA, the United Kingdom. Lost opportunities and new proposals: a survey of the education for music librarians in Italy. Speaker: Pietro Zappala (University of Pavia, Cremona). Education for Music Librarianship in the U.S. in the 21st century. Speaker: Jean Morrow (New England Conservatory, Boston, MA). Helping ourselves: IAML UK’s courses on advanced reference sources in music. Speakers: John Wagstaff (Music Faculty Library, University of Oxford) and Angela Escott (Royal College of Music, London). Elections. Presented by the Commission on Service and Training. Chair: Dominique Hausfater (Conservatoire national supérieur de musique, Paris). Theatre

Working Group on Hofmeister XIX. Working meeting. Chair: Chris Banks (British Library, London).  Room 204

10.45 - 11.45  Inventory of the contents of Collected Editions, Historical Series & Sets
& Monuments of  Music: A Bibliography.
An informal demonstration. Presented by:  George R. Hill (Baruch College, City University, New York, NY) and Elizabeth Davis (Columbia University, New York, NY). Room 204 

11.15-12.45 Fontes artis musicae. Working meeting. Editor: John Wagstaff (University of Oxford). Room 204

RILM Commission Mixte (Members only). Chair: Catherine Massip (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris).   Room 203

14:15 - 15:45 RILM general session. RILM in 2002: a summary of the year’s activities. Speaker: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (City University of New York, New York, NY). Would less be more? Indexing RILM today: an open discussion. Speaker: Risa Freeman (City University of New York, New York). Presented by the Répertoire internationale de la littérature musicale. Chair: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (City University of New York, New York). Theatre 

MusiCat: ‘Making beautiful music’: giving patrons control of your musical resources. Speaker: Per Hofman Hansen (Sikleborg Public Library, Silkeborg). Public Libraries in Lithuania and their music. Speaker: Egle Stalnioniene (Music and Art Library, Vilnius). Presented by the Public Libraries Branch. Chair: Kirsten Voss Eliasson (Smørum) and the Cataloguing Commission. Chair: Anders Cato (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm).  Room 104

16:15 - 17:45 Open working meeting, with representatives from different countries. Copyright Committee. Chair: Anne Le Lay (Bibliothèque du CNR, Boulogne Billancourt). Room 204

Musical iconography. Music of the angels in Italian Renaissance Madonna paintings. Speaker:Katherine Powers (California State University at Fullerton CA). Portraits of musicians. Speaker: Daniel Heartz (University of California, Berkeley CA). Stravinsky pictured in Denmark. Speaker: H. Colin Slim (University of California, Irvine, CA). Presented by the Répertoire internationale d’iconographie musicale. Chair: Veslemöy Heintz (Statens Musikbibliotek, Stockholm).  Theatre

Working Group on UNIMARC. Chair: Anders Cato (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm). Room 104


WEDNESDAY August 7 2002

09:15 - 10:45 American archives. Preparing American Memory Collections. Speaker: Susan Manus  (Library of Congress, Washington, DC). The legacy of Carleton Sprague Smith: Pan American holdings in the Music Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Speakers: George Boziwick and John Shepard (New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, New York, NY). The American Collection at the Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture. Speakers: Irina Medvedeva and Natalia Tartovskaia (Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow). Elections. Presented by the Archives and Documentation Centres Branch. Chair: Judy Tsou (University of Washington, Seattle, WA). Room 104  

Networking and access to music collections: updating the 1998 international survey on web catalogues www.cilea.it/music/iaml/mtil/default.html . Multi-lingual online catalogue system: LS/1 library system at the Kunitachi College of Music. Speaker: Mari Itoh (Aichi Shukutoki University, Nagoya). OCLC. Speaker: Jay Weitz (OCLC, Dublin, OH). Reports from Europe, Australia. Elections. Presented by the Libraries in Music Teaching Institutions Branch. Chair: Federica Riva (Conservatorio de musica "A. Boito", Parma).  Room 204

A new Dutch Music Institute. Speaker: Frits Zwart (Dutch Music Institute, Den Haag). A unique source for musical instruments: the library and the museum of musical instruments at the SIM, Berlin. Speaker: Susanne Staral (Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin). The founding of the Music National Bibliography of Ukraine: basic problems and perspectives. Speaker: Valeria Shulgina (National Library of Ukraine, Kiev). Elections. Presented by the Research Libraries Branch. Chair: Ann Barbara Kersting-Meuleman (Stadt- und Universtätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main).  Theatre  

11:15 - 12:45 Publications Committee. Chair: Dominique Hausfater (Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, Paris). Room 203

Working Group on the Registration of Music Archives. Working meeting. Chair:  David Day (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT). Room 104  

p.m. Excursions

21:00 Reception for RILM national committee representatives, committee members, Commission Mixte members, and friends of RILM.


THURSDAY August 8 2002

09:15 - 10:45 The Digital Archive of Popular American Music (APAM) and the
Frontera-Strachwitz collection at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Speakers: Stephen Davison and Gordon Theil (University of California, Los Angeles CA). Presented by the Commission on Service and Training and the Research Libraries Branch. Chair: Ann Barbara Kersting-Meuleman (Stadt- und Universtätsbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main).

Working Group on UNIMARC. Chair: Anders Cato (Kungl. Biblioteket, Stockholm). Room 104

10.45-11.45 Inventory of the contents of Collected Editions, Historical Series & Sets & Monuments of Music: A Bibliography. An informal demonstration. Presented by: George R. Hill (Baruch College, City University, New York, NY) and Elizabeth Davis (Columbia University, New York, NY).   Room 204

11:15 -12:45 RILM business meeting. National committee members only. Presented by the Répertoire internationale de la littérature musicale. Chair: Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie (City University of New York, NY).  Room 104   

Working Group on the exchange of Authority Data. Chair: Sherry Vellucci (St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY). Room 203

Preliminary discussion of the formation of a Working Group on concert programmes. Chair: David Day (Brigham Young University, Provo UT).  Room 204

14:15 - 15:45 Orchestra library systems and special collections in America. MOLA and OPAS.   Speakers: Karen Schnackenberg (Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Dallas, TX) and Tom Gaitens (Fine Arts Management, New York NY). The Theodore Thomas collection of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Speaker: Brenda Nelson-Strauss (Rosenthal Archives,Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Chicago). Presented by the Broadcasting and Orchestra Libraries Branch. Chair: Kauko Karjalainen (Yleisradio, Helsinki). Room 104   

Beethoven bibliographies. Discovering hidden Beethoven: strategies for searching the Beethoven Bibliography Database. Speaker: Patricia Stroh (Beethoven Center, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA). Music publishing in the early nineteenth century: cataloguing Beethoven’s early editions. Speaker: Yumiko Hasegawa (Kunitachi College of Music, Research Institute Department of Beethoven Studies, Tokyo). The revision of the Beethoven Catalogue of Works. Speaker: Norbert Gertsch (G. Henle Verlag, München). Presented by the Bibliography Commission. Chair: Susanne Staral (Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin). This session will take place at the Ira F.Brilliant Center for Beethoven Studies, San Jose State University. Transportation will be provided.

Sound Archives and Preservation. Developing digital access and preservation for audiorecordings at Harvard. Speaker: Virginia Danielson (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA). Accessible to all: audio preservation at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Speaker: David Seubert (University of California, Santa Barbara, CA). Researching the music of the First People of the Pacific Northwest: from the academy to the brain room. Speaker: Laurel Sercombe (University of Washington, Seattle WA). The preservation task of a sound archive. Speaker: Peter Copeland (British Library, London). Presented by the Audio Visual Commission. Chair: Antony Gordon (British Library National Sound Archive, London) and the Archives and Documentation Centres Branch. Chair: Judy Tsou (University of Washington, Seattle, WA). This session will take place at Stanford University. Transportation will be provided.

16:15 - 17:45 Board (Members only). Room 203


FRIDAY August 9 2002

09:15 - 10:45 Bibliographical activities in Austria and Mexico. The Anthony van Hoboken collection of  first and early editions in the Music Department of the Austrian National Library: a tool of bibliographical research. Speaker: Thomas Leibnitz (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien). Mexico’s "Undiscovered" musical treasures: unlocking vaults, garages, and armoires. Speaker: Craig Russell (California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA). Elections. Presented by the Bibliography Commission. Chair: Susanne Staral (Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin). Theatre

Accessing data through the web: new features. Alternative approaches to publishing a database onthe internet. Speakers: David Day (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT) and Stephen Westman(Ohio State University, Columbus, OH). Variations 2: the Digital Music Library Project at IndianaUniversity: concepts and demonstration of Version 1. Speakers: Mary Wallace Davidson and Jon W.Dunn ((Indiana University, Bloomington, IN). Presented by the Information Technology Committee. Chair: Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi (Ufficio Ricerca Fondi Musicali, Milano). Room 104

11:15 - 12:45 Council. Second session. Observers are cordially invited to attend. Theatre

13:00 -14:00 Planning lunch for the President, Secretary General, Chairs of the Professional Branches, Commissions, and Working Groups, and representatives from Tallinn.

14:15 - 15:45 Closing session.  Theatre

16:15 - 17:45 Closing session continued (if required).  Theatre