IAML News, Friday Edition

Today's contents: IAML News -- From IAML’s National Groups -- Symposium Recording Online -- Articles of Interest -- New Books -- New Electronic Resources -- CFPs and Conferences -- April Fools' Day Fun


Registration for the IAML conference in Antwerp is now open:

From IAML’s National Groups

Symposium Recording Online
Recordings from the British Library from their "Keeping Tracks" symposium on music and archives in the digital age: http://shar.es/Bi8D4
via @IAMLAustralia

Articles of Interest

New Books

  • Careers in Music Librarianship III: Reality and Reinvention, edited by Susannah Cleveland and Joe C. Clark. MLA Technical Reports Series. xi + 217 pp. $60.00 ISBN 978-0-89579-787-2 (2014)  https://www.areditions.com/books/TR33.html

New Electronic Resources

CFPs and Conferences

  • 40th ICMC - International Computer Music Conference with the 11th SMC -  Sound & Music Computing Conference
    September 14-20, 2014, Athens, Greece
    New deadline for all submissions: 15 April 2014

April Fools' Day Fun

 A late-19th-century “April fish” postcard

What other April Fools' jokes were out there? Leave them in the comments below!



Have something you want to see here? Let me know: jennifer.ward@rism.info

Photo credit: A late-19th-century “April fish” postcard. Digital Library, Villanova University





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