Through joint commissions, IAML co-sponsors with other international associations, notably the IMS (International Musicological Society), four major bibliographical series for music scholars and librarians ("the four Rs"). These are all produced by cooperation between national groups and an international centre responsible for collecting and coordinating national contributions. The series may be ordered from their respective publishers.
Répertoire international des sources musicales (RISM) / International Inventory of Musical Sources is an international non-profit organization with the objective of locating and describing the sources of music worldwide.
Independent RISM working groups in different countries catalogue pre-1800 printed music and post-1600 music manuscripts, as well as libretti, treatises, and other sources. Their results are brought together by the RISM Zentralredaktion (Central Editorial Office) in Frankfurt am Main and prepared for publication. RISM publishes printed catalogues and a database of music manuscripts.
The IAML representatives to the Commission Mixte are Mathias Auclair, Paris (France); Richard Chesser, London (UK); Massimo Gentili-Tedeschi, Milan (Italy); Beatriz Magalhães Castro, Brasilia (Brazil); and Balázs Mikusi, Budapest (Hungary).
RISM has three series (see RISM's publications page for full details):
Serie A/I (Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel)
- Einzeldrucke vor 1800 (9 volumes, 4 supplements, index, CD-ROM, online catalogue).
Serie A/II
- Musikhandschriften nach 1600: Available through the free online catalogue or a subscription database from EBSCO.
Serie B (G. Henle Verlag, München)
- B/I and B/II: Recueils Imprimés XVIe-XVIIIe Siècles (2 volumes; years 1500-1550 of B/I in online catalogue)
- B/III: The Theory of Music from the Carolingian Era up to c. 1500. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts (5 volumes)
- B/IV: Handschriften mit mehrstimmiger Musik des 11. - 16. Jahrhunderts (5 volumes, 1 supplement)
- B/V: Tropen- und Sequenzenhandschriften
- B/VI: Ecrits Imprimés Concernant la musique (2 volumes)
- B/VII: Handschriftlich überlieferte Lauten- und Gitarrentabulaturen des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts
- B/VIII: Das Deutsche Kirchenlied (DKL. 2 volumes)
- B/IX: Hebrew Sources (3 volumes)
- B/X: The Theory of Music in Arabic Writings c. 900 - 1900
- B/XI: Ancient Greek Music Theory. A Catalogue Raisonné of Manuscripts
- B/XII: Manuscrits persans concernant la musique
- B/XIII: Hymnologica Slavica. Hymnologica Bohemica, Slovaca (HBS), Polonica (HP), Sorabica (HS). Notendrucke des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (1 volume)
- B/XIV: Les manuscrits du processionnal (2 volumes)
- B/XV: Mehrstimmige Messen in Quellen aus Spanien, Portugal und Lateinamerika, ca. 1490-1630
- B/XVI: Catalogue raisonné of the Balinese Palm-Leaf Manuscripts with Music Notation
- B/XVII: Die Triosonate: Catalogue Raisonné der gedruckten Quellen (2 volumes)
Serie C (Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel)
- Directory of Music Research Libraries (5 volumes; update underway in cooperation with the Working Group on the Access to Music Archives)
Special volumes:
- Norbert Böker-Heil, Harald Heckmann, and Ilse Kindermann: Das Tenorlied: Mehrstimmige Lieder in deutschen Quellen, 1450-1580. Catalogus musicus 9. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1979-1986.
- RISM-Bibliothekssigel. Gesamtverzeichnis. Now available as a searchable database.
For further information, please contact either the publishers or the RISM Zentralredaktion for a brochure.
A UNESCO-accredited NGO, Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) publishes several state-of-the-art digital products that serve the global music research community. RILM’s flagship publication, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, is a comprehensive bibliography of writings about music, comprising over 1.6 million records in 141 languages from 184 countries. It covers over 700 journals comprehensively, and around 10,000 selectively, as well as books, dissertations, reviews, conference proceedings, e-publications, and all other document types. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text is an enhancement of this bibliography that provides full-text articles from nearly 300 journals. Partnering with publisher Bärenreiter and J.B. Metzler, RILM also hosts MGG Online on the Egret platform, offering authoritative information on a wide range of music and music-related subjects. RILM Music Encyclopedias is an ever-expanding, full-text compilation of reference works, many of which are not available anywhere else online. The collection includes around 70 seminal titles (published from 1775 to the present), and new content is added every year. Additionally, RILM Index to Scores and collected Editions (RISE) is a robust digital finding aid for searching specific musical works contained in printed collections, sets, and series. DEUMM Online digitizes, enhances, and augments the Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti (DEUMM), the most extensive modern music dictionary in the Italian language. In its new online format, it is an indispensable node in a comprehensive, international, networked research experience. Finally, RILM Archive of Popular Music Magazines (RAPMM) is an expansive digital collection comprising over 125 independently published popular music magazines and fanzines–several not available anywhere else online–in circulation from the late 1960s to the present day. RILM also maintains a widely read blog (Bibliolore) and publishes original content, including its style guide How to Write About Music: The RILM Manual of Style. RILM’s International Center is housed at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City.
Association Répertoire international d'iconographie musicale (RIdIM) (email) documents visual materials relating to music, dance, theatre and opera. RIdIM publishes catalogues, studies, a newsletter, and sponsors the scholarly yearbook, Imago musicae (published with LIM – Libreria Musicale Italiana). The international office of Association RIdIM is located at Badergasse 9, 8001 Zurich, Switzerland.
The current liaison officer of IAML to the Council of Association RIdIM is: Federica Riva (Florence).
Répertoire international de la presse musicale (RIPM) / Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals (1800-1950) ( is the most recent of the four "repertories". Founded in 1980, RIPM was established to provide access to historical periodical literature dealing with music and to facilitate and encourage research based on this often neglected documentary resource. Currently, RIPM provides access to some 500 rare music periodicals published in more than twenty countries (409 in full-text complete runs), totaling 1.34 million full-text pages searchable cover-to-cover, and containing over 967,000 annotated records. RIPM produces four, regularly updated electronic publications: Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals, Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals with Full Text, European and North American Music Periodicals, and RIPM Jazz Periodicals, the latter two, in its Preservation Series. RIPM’s editorial headquarters (The RIPM International Center) is located in Baltimore, Maryland. For more information about RIPM, including a list of publications and reviews, visit For information about RIPM’s newest collection, RIPM Jazz Periodicals, visit